How often do you reflect and ask yourself the question, “Why do I do the things that I do?”

I have been on this personal self-discovery journey and there are times I get mad, frustrated and angry at myself for how I handled a situation. It’s like I know better, but yet, I still can’t seem to get past doing the same thing that I KNOW isn’t working, but keep doing it anyway. I pray and ask for support and yet, still find myself “stuck in a muck”.

Through conscious journaling, meditation and reflection, I have found that when you are OPEN to taking a new step and become more AWARE, you are able to begin putting patterns together. In this new state of being, you are able to identify what is really underneath the unconscious habits that drive your life every single day.

Tony Robbins says it well, we all have 6 human needs that drive our every day actions. Our behaviors are simply an attempt to meet those needs.

Inner Outer
Basic Certainty – assurance you can avoid pain and gain pleasure; comfort and safety Uncertainty– the need for the unknown, change, new stimuli; variety
Self Significance – feeling unique, important, special or needed; “feeling that I matter” Connection – a strong feeling of closeness or union with someone or something
Spirit Growth – an expansion of capacity, capability or understanding Contribution – a sense of service and focus on helping, giving to and supporting others

Our inability to consistently meet these needs can result in dysfunctional behaviors. When our attempts at fulfillment fail, we settle and allow ourselves to play small. We end up living in a lower vibrational state of being.
Do you find yourself saying:

“There has to be something more to life!”
“I wish I had more time to balance everything I want to do?”
“I want more connection and intimate relationships?”

I encourage you to see what needs you might be striving to fulfill. There is a payoff for all of our actions, but are we dis-empowering ourselves and others in the process? What are your behaviors and actions costing you?