If you are in a relationship, it is very likely that when you first started dating it was easy to spend time together.  You were head over heals in love with each other and put time and energy into the relationship to make your partner smile.  The truth of the matter is, anyone in a long-term relationship or marriage knows that the honeymoon magic starts to fade, and it can feel hard to reignite the spark and bring the romance back into your relationship.

This often happens simply because one or both people stop trying to create or pay attention to shared moments together.  There always seems to be something else to do or something more important.  In other relationships, couples can experience tension over who is going to get acceptance and acknowledgement from the other.  Women want to hear they are loved and beautiful and men want to hear they are good providers and have done a good job.  When either person is looking for acknowledgement from the other, it stops love in its tracks and the vicious love and respect cycle begins.

Romance is about creating an environment with a positive resonance.   This means creating an environment rich in sensory stimulation, physical proximity and time together.  These moments of positive resonance can’t be manufactured, but they can be cultivated and create memories that can last a lifetime.  They don’t just magically happen.  One person in the relationship must take the first step and create an environment conducive to create more love and romance.

What can you do, to create more ROMANCE in your relationship?

If YOU want more romance, intimacy and connection with your partner, YOU must take the lead to be in the consciousness of LOVE.  The happier YOU ARE in everyday things, the easier it will be to do something nice for you.  You see the key here is to BE IN RESONANCE OF LOVE so that you are a walking billboard of love.  Love, happiness and joy surround you all the time.  The goal is not for your man to rescue you, be your hero and pick you up when you are feeling down.   NOW, the beauty and benefit of a partnership is that when one person is having a difficult time, the other person can be there to support them, BUT the key to making this work is NOT to expect someone to save you.

Romance and love come from the heart.  A man will do something for a woman because he is inspired by the love and happiness she exudes, not because she tells him what to do or chases him by doing too much for him (like his mother).  So many of us women want love and romance and complain when he stops doing nice romantic things.  I want you to seriously reflect:

  • What are YOU doing for the relationship?
  • What are you doing to be in resonance with love?
  • How are YOU showing up?
  • What words are YOU using to describe your life, your partner, or your relationship?
  • How are YOU appreciating your man and yourself?
  • What can you do to “Spice” Things Up