How many of us hold on to things that paralyze us?

Something happens and we spin in a cycle of anger, shame or humiliation and can’t seem to get ourselves out of it. The only way out is through. Accept what happened, feel the wave of emotions and then let them go. All emotions are portals to our next phase of learning and healing  It does us no good to complain about a situation or to wallow in our suffering or anxiety.  It’s also important to know that there are no good or bad feelings.   All feelings show up to teach us a lesson.  We must not label them and look for the gift that is available to us.

When we thank the situation for the gifts that it brings, we are able to feel in the moment, lean into the lesson, let go and move on…

If you are angry, maybe the lesson is trust yourself more.
If you are shameful, maybe the lesson is to have more courage and be enthusiastic about taking bold steps in your future..
If you feel humiliation, maybe the lesson is to claim more respect
If you are 

Releae let go

I had an experience last week that was absolutely humiliating.  It created so much anxiety in my body that I almost couldn’t function.  I kept reliving the experience and beating myself up.  When I realized what I was doing, I decided to give myself a timeout to take a nice hot bath.  I needed quiet time with myself to feel into what my body was trying to tell me.  I wasn’t going to get answers from anyone else.  People could tell me to let it go, you are worrying over nothing, but no words that anyone said were going to heal the pain.  I needed quiet time alone with me to go within and feel into the lessons that were right there in front of me.  There was SO MUCH healing that took place from this crazy incident that I am now super grateful for it.

How often do we create more anxiety for ourselves than we have to?  We spend countless hours, worrying, contemplating, hiding, being afraid, contracting and playing small.  At what cost? The time spent is NOT serving us.  We need to learn how to acknowledge and own what is going on, feel into the lesson and move on.  That is the only way through.

When we feel an emotion, it makes the experience of the opposite that much deeper. Maybe the situation you are going through is allowing you to experience deeper levels of Trust, Courage and Respect for yourself. How great is that!

Be grateful, feel the emotions and then let go.

As millions of women gather in various places in honor of International Women’s day this week, I thought it was fitting to not only honor women who have stood up for many important causes as well as controversial topics over the years, but to also reflect upon what difference each one of us makes as a WOMAN.

Have you really ever thought about how BEING who you are not WHAT YOU DO, makes a difference in someone’s life? I encourage you to ACCEPT yourself for who you are.  No strings attached. Too many of us are focused on
1) seeking perfection (we want to be right and we don’t want to fail),
2) asking for permission (getting someone else’s approval) and
3) people pleasing, (or following the rules so we don’t hurt someone else’s feelings).

What would happen if you just showed up as who you are and did and said what felt good and in the moment.
… So what if you make a mistake and its not perfect
… So what if someone doesn’t like your idea, do you love it?  Go for it.
… So what if someone else misinterprets what you say or takes it personally

I myself have worried too much about what others will think of me.  If I say or do something that comes to mind, what will someone else think?  Is what I am doing or thinking NORMAL?
Weirdness2Many times we question, Is this “NORMAL”? We look for permission from others to see if what we are thinking or feeling is okay.  I many times catch myself saying things like “I’m just weird”, “Is that normal” or “I’m just crazy.”

What the heck is NORMAL anyway?!?!? Who defines what normal is? And if everyone were normal, what fun would that be? Where would the creativity and spontaneity be?

Why do we doubt ourselves and feel bad about what we think or feel? It could feel shameful, wrong, against the rules, or not approved by someone else. Why do we do this to ourselves?

I am done looking for normal
I am done trying to be normal
I am done trying to fit into someone else’s expectations of me
I am done looking for others to validate that what I think or feel is normal
I am done worrying about feeling weird or crazy, questioning if what I think or say is normal.

I know my truth and accept myself for who I am (weirdness and all). It takes courage to step up, claim your power, speak your truth and use your voice. Step into confidence, ask for what you really want and command the respect and credibility that you deserve. It all begins with accepting and claiming ALL OF YOU! Weird parts and all.

If every woman embraced her weirdness, we would see so many more creative, strategic, innovative ideas being born. There is no need for validation from others. Be who you are weird, crazy, quirks and all. It’s all good. In fact, those are likely the things that make you special and unique.



This past month my mother asked to come to my women’s circle for the first time.  She has always been curious about it, but hesitant to invite herself.   In my heart I felt it was the right timing.   We did an activity, where I asked everyone to share one hobby that they absolutely love.  I was initially surprised, but then inspired by her answer.

Mom ResultsMom said “I love my Isagenix.  It has changed my life.”  At first I thought what an odd thing to mention as a hobby, but in the spirit of no judgment, I let her proceed to explain why and my heart began to melt.  When I started the program my goal was weight loss.  I wanted to look and feel good again in my body.  I didn’t really have any aches or pains.  But mom on the other hand, has had a variety of different health issues.  She explained how she had very little energy and had a hard time getting through the day.  She also had really bad knee and joint pain.

After being on the product, she found that she had more energy, less pain and she lost over 35 pounds and 50 inches.  To top it off she has this aliveness about her that I haven’t seen in years.  My mom has always been a loving giving person who focused on giving to others and not focusing on herself.  It warms my heart to see that she has finally taken the time to do something for her.

She said I will be on this product for life, I FEEL SO GOOD!!!!

I was totally not expecting that.  While I experienced weight loss and a new zest for life, she experience SO MUCH MORE. The PAIN was minimized or gone. How many people live with PAIN until it is too much to bear?

I know Isagenix has the power to help with a variety of different health issues, its just that I had never personally experienced alot of PAIN, or maybe didn’t realize it.  I didn’t know what it felt like to have a hard time walking, to struggle to have the energy to keep up with kids or grandkids, to physically be in pain throughout the entire day, but still keep on a happy face and move on through the day.

My mom’s success had been a huge motivator for me to get back out there are share the benefits of this amazing product. I am starting a 30 day challenge on March 15.  I would love to have you join me.   You will not only have the benefits of the product itself, but you will have the support of a certified coach who can guide you along the way.

The interesting part of this whole experience, is that the weight loss and increased energy came with absolutely no working out.  I am not advocating for no movement, however, I want to share the benefits that you don’t have to focus on changing eating habits AND adding in exercise at the same time in order to reach some of your health and weight loss goals.

PhraseEvery positive change in your life begins with a clear, unequivocal decision, that you are going to either DO SOMETHING or STOP DOING SOMETHING.   It all begins with CHOOSING TO DECIDE you want more for your life.  Start giving your body the nutrition it needs.  You will be amazed at the life transforming results.

Contact Jen at for more information.