As we explore letting go of control, let us take a deeper dive into why we might emasculate men in the
first place. Last month we discussed how women need to feel loved in order to respect a man and on
the flip side, a man needs to feel respected in order to love and desire a woman. It feels like a vicious
cycle. If you are not feeling the type of connection and intimacy you desire from your man, you are likely
emasculating your man without knowing it.

When I first started exploring this idea it made sense conceptually; however, I wanted to learn more. I
wanted to know what things I was saying and doing that were emasculating to men. Where was I
criticizing and putting a man down as opposed to encouraging him and lifting him up. We know it’s
important to honor and respect our husbands, but what we don’t realize are the little things. The little
jabs and hooks we throw that no one talks about that are the culprits.

I want you to think about the following questions…

– Are you a strong, confident, independent woman who feels disconnected with your partner?
– Do You feel frustrated your partner isn’t meeting your needs?
– Do You struggle with communicating with your partner and feel he doesn’t hear you?
– Does he shut down and refuse to open-up to you?
– Do you end up feeling like you need to do everything yourself and question if he even finds you
attractive or desirable?

If you answered YES to any of these questions you are likely thinking, “Are you a fly on my wall?!” It is
likely that you are emasculating your man and don’t realize it. One of the keys to creating deeper
intimacy and connection with a man is to understand men and the polarity between men and women. If
you show up in a controlling, demanding or pressured way, you will not get the results you desire, and
you will push your man away. The key to igniting intimacy with your man is to own your sexuality,
surrender control and show up in your essence as a woman.

We must learn to be a strong, confident, whole women, but not at the expense of crushing our men.
The key is to stop emasculating men and provide more respect and appreciation. We must show up
differently to our relationships. When we correct these habits as women, the vicious cycle of love vs.
respect stops and the desire and connection between you and your partner can re-ignite.
There are four ways that we emasculate men without realizing it. Trust me some of these things are so
simple that we don’t even realize we are doing it, because we have been behaving this way all of our
lives. Our female role models have done these things too without realizing how it impacts our
relationships with men. I have created a resource that educates women on the four ways that we
emasculate men. If you are interested in learning more, I encourage you to sign up for my monthly
online membership and this month you will receive the resource “How to Stop Crushing the Man.”

Learn more by visiting our services page or contacting

Last month we talked about Celebrating Masculinity and the impact that male relationships have had in
our lives and how we understand sexuality. This month we are going to dig a bit deeper. So many of us
want the type of romantic relationships we saw growing up as kids in fairy tales. The relationship where
we are swept off our feet, fall madly in love, and live happily ever after. Or as an adult, we crave the
deep intimacy we see on the Hallmark channel or in romantic movies where we feel the hot passion and
intense desire with the “man of our dreams.”

The truth is we desire connection and intimacy at our core. We have this hunger to be cherished,
treasured, loved and desired by a man. However, we don’t realize how embracing our sexuality, or not
embracing our sexuality, has a direct impact on whether we can achieve this deep intimate experience
we so desperately crave.

Do you want to know the #1 biggest thing that gets in the way of the intimacy we so crave? Control.
Our society has traditionally labeled character traits for boys and girls, and encouraged us as parents to
teach our kids what it means to be a “good girl” or “good boy.” However, the feminist movement has
inspired many women to change that mentality; stepping up to be strong, independent successful
women. We have been told we can do anything a boy can do, and at the same time, we have become
“too controlling” in our ways. With the desire to be strong, independent and confident, many women
have subconsciously put up blocks creating a false, inauthentic version of themselves without realizing

I am not suggesting that women should not be strong and independent, they absolutely should.
However, I believe we have swayed too much to one side. It is not always about WHAT WE DO OR SAY,
it’s about HOW WE SHOW UP. In our efforts to DO MORE or overcome oppression in some ways, we
have lost a piece of ourselves.

When we are young and first in love, we show up different. We feel alive, passionate and on fire. There
is attraction, polarity and connection, which is a natural part of being a woman. As time goes on, this
attraction and connection can fade. With day to day life responsibilities, couples can tend to take each
other for granted and the spark that was once there seems to have diminished. Women are so busy
doing life that we just go through the motions at times. We become numb. There is no time for sex or
pleasure. It is more important to take care of our family, house, church, business or community. Women
are working themselves too hard striving to be successful, trying to keep it together and focusing on
serving and pleasing others rather than surrendering into the truest expression of themselves.
Women show up with an energy of having to DO IT ALL. We take it upon ourselves to be in control and
have forgotten how to surrender and let go. The truth is, in trying to maintain that control we end up
emasculating men more often than we realize. This need for control kills the connection with that
partner and “desire” in our relationships (as well as our orgasm). As a result, so many women live with
this feeling that SOMETHING IS MISSING, yet can’t put their finger on it. We don’t realize what is
underneath this hunger we so desperately crave. We are so busy focusing on our responsibilities that we
forget this deep hunger inside. We ignore it and show up in a way that emasculates rather than creates
connection with our partner.

When a woman learns to give up control and surrenders to the divine nature within her soul, she is filled
with more love and passion than she could have ever imagined. It is no longer about control,
responsibility or getting things done. She tunes into the essence of herself and feels with her body,
instead of thinks with her mind. When she learns how to respond versus react, and shows up with honor
and respect for her partner, she creates the connection and intimacy she so desperately desires.

In continuing with our theme of celebrating masculinity, I wanted to highlight something important that I think as women we tend to forget. We laugh and joke around about books like “Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus” or “Men are like Waffles and Women are like Spaghetti” and countless others. The truth is men and women ARE different. We can’t expect the men in our lives to behave and act like the women in our lives. They have had different programming, different experiences, and relate to their relationships in their own unique ways. It is unrealistic and gets us into trouble to expect them to be “like” us in these relationships.

When we learn to appreciate and understand masculinity and what makes a man tick, it brings a whole different dynamic to the relationship. In relationships, men and women need and want different things. They each have different needs and priorities. While men may put sex as higher importance on their relationship priority list than women may, I am NOT talking about sex being “the thing” of what makes a man tick. I am talking about Honor and Respect. If you want deeper intimacy and connection with your partner, the key is learning how to Respect him.

There is a wonderful book written by Dr. Emerson Eggerichs entitled, “Love and Respect.” According to the theories of Eggerichs, the love that she most desires and the respect he desperately needs causes pitfalls in relationships. The challenge in many relationships today is that we live in a vicious crazy cycle. Men want respect and women want love and neither party can effectively provide. However, a man can’t love a woman who doesn’t respect him. This is intuitive as you can imagine love can’t happen in ANY relationship where respect is not a foundation. And a woman can’t respect a man if she doesn’t feel loved and seen. If you didn’t have parents that modeled both love and respect in your household, it can be hard visualize this balance of needs. So what does respect look like to a man?
In the book, Dr. Eggerichs breaks out the needs of men and women into two different easy to remember categories. How to spell respect to your man, CHAIRS. How to spell love to your wife: COUPLE.

How to Spell Respect to your Husband:
Conquest: Appreciate his desire to work and achieve
Hierarchy: Appreciate his desire to protect and provide
Authority: Appreciate his desire to serve and lead
Insight: Appreciate his desire to analyze and counsel
Relationship: Appreciate his desire for Shoulder- to Shoulder Friendship
Sexuality: Appreciate his desire for Sexual Intimacy

How to Spell Love to your Wife:

Closeness: She wants you to be close
Openness: She wants you to open up to her
Understanding: Don’t try to fix her, just listen
Peacemaking: She wants you to say “I’m Sorry”
Loyalty: She wants to know your committed
Esteem: She wants you to honor and cherish her

As women, we know what it feels like to be LOVED. We crave this in our relationships and if we don’t feel loved from our partners, we can feel empty. When experience this empty feeling, and it can be hard to show respect our men. Once we are aware of the different needs, it makes it easier to take different actions in your relationship. If you really want to experience deeper levels of intimacy with your partner, it is critical that you understand your man’s basic needs. Rather than criticizing him for actions you can’t relate to, learn to appreciate and respect him for the man he is.

Last month we talked about Motherhood and Sexuality and how important it is to value your role as a woman, and not just a mom. This month in honor of Father’s Day we want to celebrate masculinity and the roles men play in our lives. Growing up we have both female and male influences in our lives who teach us directly and indirectly how to relate to others. Many people have grandfathers, brothers, uncles, cousins, teachers or coaches who have had a significant impact in shaping our lives. There are some people that may have had a greater influence on us than others, but the first male influence for most women is usually our dad.

Men can be complicated, just like women can. Sometimes they love and support us unconditionally and other times not so much. Ask anyone about their relationship with their dad or their husband and you may open a can of worms. Why is that? Because dads and husbands are human beings. They are not perfect. They didn’t get a rulebook on how to be a “Good Dad” or a “Good Husband” just like we didn’t get the rulebook on how to be a “Good Mom” or a “Good Wife.” One thing my dad used to always say to me is, “Jen…I do the best with what I know and as I grow and learn, I become a better man.” He would always continue to teach me new things as he became older and wiser.

Each one of us has different memories about the men in our lives. Some are happy positive memories that you treasure for a lifetime, while there are other memories that might not be so happy yet stick with us. Both types of examples create imprints in our life experience to help shape who we become. In addition, our dad’s directly and indirectly show us how to relate to others, especially when it comes to other men in our life. The way men treat their wives is the example they provide of how they believe a woman should be treated. Some men are great examples of how to treat women, whereas others are great examples of how not to treat a woman. Either way, each example is a lesson for us in how to relate to the men in our lives and develop happy, healthy relationships.

In the day to day grind, it’s so easy to talk about the things that drive us crazy about our dad’s, husband’s or any other man in life. Why is that? Let’s face it ladies, the real reason many do this is because as women we want things to be perfect. We want the perfect wedding, the perfect husband, the perfectly behaved child, the perfect house, the perfect birthday party etc… The list goes on. We so badly want things to be “right” and many times when things don’t go our definition of “right” we criticize, we put down, or we emasculate the men in our lives out of frustration. If no one taught us how to appreciate, love and respect the men in our lives, then how would we know how to do this? Men thrive when they feel honored, appreciated and respected. Just like you would!

What I have realized is that while I have many fond memories and lessons from the men in my life, sometimes my greatest lessons are the ones that came from the “not so good” experiences. The ones that were blessings in disguise wrapped in unexpected wrapping paper. Let’s take time this month to celebrate the men in our lives. The good, the bad and the ugly.

The Freedom Keys theme this May is all about Motherhood and Sexuality. Many of you might be scratching your heads wondering, “What does motherhood have to do with sexuality?” You had sex to procreate and become a mom, but that’s it.

On the contrary, I would argue that being in touch with your sexuality has EVERYTHING to do with being a good mom. Your sexuality is about who YOU are as a woman, BEFORE and AFTER you became a mom. As women we play many roles in our lives. Whether it is mom, sister, daughter, friend, wife, mother-in-law, or daughter-in-law, each role is important and one role is not more important than the other. There may be times in our lives where one role requires more attention than others, however, they are all important.

When we become a mom, it doesn’t mean we have to lose ourselves as a woman. So many women struggle with their bodies, feeling like their bodies are no longer their own after having a baby. You may be nursing, and your boobs are used to feed your children, as opposed to your partner’s fun. Your stomach may not be flat after gaining 50 extra pounds of baby weight, as opposed to feeling slim and sexy in your cute jeans, which no longer fit. Your “lady parts” down there might be loose, whether you had a 6 or 10 pound baby squeezed out of you. You may pee in your pants when you jump, sneeze or cough, as opposed to feeling tight and toned, where you could weight-lift from your vagina. You are exhausted and overwhelmed. You don’t have time to exercise and your body is no longer in “good shape”. You don’t have the time or energy to be intimate with your partners and when you do, you might want the lights off so he won’t see you.

The truth is, if we just focus on being a mom and forget about being a woman, we lose sight of a BIG part of who we are. When you think of the word gender, it is referring to whether you are a man or woman, not whether you are a mother or father. Our gender as a woman defines our sexuality and much of who we are. At its core, female body parts define a biological woman. Women have breasts, ovaries and a vagina, where men have a penis and testicles. It is important that we don’t ignore the beauty of what makes us physically different than men. God designed us to be different, and to have the fortune of being mothers. Our bodies are a part of what makes us special and unique as women. When I talk about sexuality, I mean what makes you the WOMAN you are in the body, mind, and soul.
If we want to be a good mom, have a great marriage, a successful career and an abundance of money, we must not forget who we are at the core. We must love and connect with all the roles and parts that make us a woman. We must understand our bodies are a gift! We need to embrace our bodies, rather than hide or shame them. As a mom, the best gift you can give your kids is an example of a happy, healthy marriage. And it is ok if that marriage now includes a step parent. If you do not focus on your marriage, loving your body, and make sex a priority in your relationship, you are doing yourself, your partner and your kids a dis-service. Sex and intimacy are one of the missing pieces in the puzzle. When you are connected to your sexuality as a woman, you become a better mom, better partner, and a better businesswoman. You shine your light brighter into this world. Rather than telling your kids they can create the life of their dreams, you live by example and show your kids what it means to be a woman and live out your God- given purpose.

I understand that for many women, we were not taught to view motherhood and sexuality this way. That is ok! Let’s explore how each of us relate to this topic with the questions below.

What did your mom teach you about motherhood?
• Did your mom always sacrifice her own needs for yours?
• Did your mom follow her dreams? Or Did she give up her dreams for you?
• Name one quality that YOUR MOM would define as a “good mom”
• Are there things you wish you could say to your mom that you haven’t?
• Is there something that drives you crazy about your mom that you said you never wanted to do when you became a mom?

What did your mom teach you about being a good wife/partner?
• What did your mom teach you about love and relationships?
• Were your parents happily married, divorced or never married?
• What impact did your parents relationship have on how you connect with your partner?
• Did your parents prioritize time to be with each other or their new spouse? Or did they always put you first?
• Did you say you would never do things your mom did?
• Did you see your parents modeling good relationships for you?
• Did you see your mom admire and respect her romantic partner?

What did your mom teach you about sex and your body?
• What did your mom teach you about sex?
• When you got your period, was it a celebration, uneventful or a traumatic experience?
• Did your mom teach you how to love your body?
• Were you taught that brains were more important than beauty?
• Were you taught to love your body or change it to meet a different ideal?

What did your mom teach you about being a WOMAN?
• Is your body your own after being a mom?
• Do you still feel turned on as sexy after being a mom?
• Do you find it hard to feel “in the mood” after being a mom?
• What is one thing you admire about your own mothering abilities?
• What did your religion or culture teach you about being a mom?
• What roles models did you have that taught you how to be a woman?
• Was your mom a good mom and housekeeper, but didn’t teach you how to be a woman?

Two years ago, I made a choice to take a BIG LEAP and  leave corporate america after 21 years to pursue a new calling.  When you decide to take the leap, you enter a place of THE BIG UNKNOWN.   You learn a new level a trust and faith and are tested in multiple ways.

What I find fascinating about doing work you love is that it evolves over time.  I remember Gayle Hilgendorf, one of my very first mentors, sharing with me that it was normal for businesses to shift over time.  And boy was she right.  I started out as a health coach focusing on nutrition and healthy living, to women’s leadership and empowerment and now I am happy to share that my calling has taken another pivot.

Actually this message has always been there underneath the covers the whole time, IT WAS JUST HIDING!

How many of you have ever hid behind something for fear of what someone else might think?  Well I was right there with you.  I couldn’t get my REAL message out there because I didn’t think I could talk about SEXUALITY in Corporate America. Women’s empowerment and feminine presence have always been a core component of my message, I just never led with using the term SEXUALITY.  It was taboo.  It was evil.  Companies wouldn’t hire me.  I needed to change my messaging to fit the culture.


Thanks to thousands of years of confusion, shame and oppression of the feminine essence, generations of women have lived with unfulfilled and empty lives.  They have lived under the myths regarding pleasure and their own sexuality.  Pleasure has been defined as instant gratification from an outside source as opposed to experiencing joy, this inner long lasting peace.

With this stereotype, many women are either depriving themselves of feeling pleasure believing that it is wrong, shameful,not needed or selfish; while others are secretly sneaking around hiding the fact that they enjoy feeling pleasure.  Either way, it’s like this forbidden fruit.  If I experience pleasure (or too much of it) I am “a bad girl” and if I deprive myself or sacrifice my own pleasures for others, I am “a good girl”.

I have studied, experimented and researched this topic for years  This past year a combination of things happened in my personal life as well as in the world that lit a new fire in my belly.

Too many women are suffering in silence and it shouldn’t be that way!  The key to a women’s confidence, power and asking for what she really wants lies within her sexuality as a woman. I am on a mission to create a movement around the way we think about sexuality and our pleasure in the world.

My mission is to create a world where:
… healthy sexual activity is not considered taboo, shameful or dirty
… men and women do not suffer with mediocre relationships and sex in silence
… communication on the integration of sexuality and spirituality is more widely explained
… better education is provided at a younger age on sex, love and relationships
… the body is not scary, ugly, dirty or an imperfect disaster waiting to happen
… we don’t suffer from feeling lonely or empty and are able to naturally express our desires
… sexual abuse and rape should not be so widespread

The madness of our cultural norms on this topic need to stop.  If you or someone you knows is interesting in learning more about this topic

1) Share this message with a friend
2) Sign up for my Facebook Tribe : Awaken Your Sexual Presence 
3) Stay tuned for more details on my book and group program Awaken Your Sexual Presence.
4) Schedule a complementary call to learn more

How many of us have the courage to face our fears? Its so much easier to run away and hide from them, than it is to face them.  If we can point the finger or blame someone else for a situation, then we keep ourselves in that fear mentality.  We are choosing to not take responsibility in the moment.  How are we modeling that for our kids?  Do your kids see you talking about your fears and facing them?`

I want to share a recent story from my 7 year old son.  We went to his brothers hockey tournament and of course he wanted to stop at the snack bar and get a bag of chips for the game.  I gave him a couple of dollars and suggested that if he really wanted the snack that he could go to the counter and order himself.  He looked at me and said, “no you do it”.  I looked back at him and said, “mommy is right here.  If you really want the chips you will go and pay for it yourself.”  He proceeded to refuse.  I then told him I was NOT going to buy it for him.  As you can imagine he was not a happy little camper. He was very upset with me and didn’t want to speak to me. He was pouting.

face fearThe afternoon passed and a few hours later there was a second hockey game. Andy said mommy “can I have money for a snack? I’ll do it this time.”  I was surprised.  I watched and waited as he went to the snack bar all by himself.  He then came back and said “‘Mommy, I did it I faced my fear!”.

I was so proud of my little guy.  He must obviously hear me talk about facing our fears all the time for him to be so confident and proud in saying what he did.  This was a great example for me in standing my ground and not giving in just to please a kid.  He experience what it was like to pout and not get his way.  He learned it didn’t work.  Then next time he learned how to step up and take responsibility for his actions.

Happy Kid.  Happy Mom!

Celebrate Good Times, Come On!  It’s time to celebrate.  You ask why?  I’ll give you 2 good reasons.

  1. It has been 1 year since I left my full time corporate job and am now doing the work that I love.
  2. It is Feb 1st and that means, if you’ve started your new years resolutions, but haven’t really seen the progress you’d like to see, you can start new today.

As a gift to you, I have a special offer on my VIP package. My 1/2 day VIP Intentional Living program typically runs for $597,  but as a special offer I am offering 5 slots for just $397 if you act before noon on Monday.

Over the past few months I have heard some amazing testimonies from my clients after working with me.  Here are a few things women have said…

“I feel so relieved that I was able to talk out my thoughts & get them out of my head.  I feel a sense of peace & calm.”
“I am excited I had so many new opportunities open up since our session.  I already see the blessings after just one meeting and they just keep coming.”
“You took away the overwhelm and confusion on where to begin.  You helped me organize my thoughts and I love that you wrote them out for me.  It took away the pressure of trying to figure out exactly how to say it!”
“I didn’t realize I was limiting myself in how I was looking at my intentions.  You heard me say what I wanted and put it into words that were more purposeful and meaningful. ” 
“I didn’t realize the emotional blocks that were stopping me from getting started.  In the first 30 minutes, I felt a HUGE release and afterwards was able to claim what I REALLY wanted and desired.”  

As busy women we rarely have time for ourselves because we are so busy taking care of everyone else.  We have lots of ideas in our head, but struggle with where to begin and many times just don’t get started.  What would it feel like if you had someone take the time to support and nurture YOU in getting started with creating the life of your dreams?

If there is one thing I have learned since I started my business, its to take massive action and listen to my gut.  God answers prayers in many ways and this could be the answer to a prayer that you have been waiting for.

But sometimes, we WAIT.
We wait for the perfect time.
We wait to see what others think.
We wait to see if a better offer comes along.
We wait because we want all of our thoughts to be PERFECT before we create our goals

What if this is the answer?  What if this is what God is calling you to do for yourself, for your family and/or your business?

I would love to support you and get yourself set up for the new year so that you can…
… release the overwhelm
… feel a sense of peace and calm
… feel heard and understood
… have clarity around your life intentions

all while having the support from someone who’s been there.

Here is a recap of what you get:
– 3 hour in person session with me
– Review 12 areas of your life and rate your satisfactions levels from 1 – 10
– Braindump of what is working and what is not working
– Release energy of stuff that is keeping you STUCK from claiming what you want
– Claim what you REALLY want and create intentions to support your desires
– A Word of Month for the Year Soul Forecast
– A blueprint of your intentions and affirmations for each area (w/ a focus on top 3-5)

You never know the last time that your child might do something cute.  Especially if you have multiple kids.  The first time a child walks, talks, or has a milestone, we tend to take a lot of time and energy ogling over the experience.  The more kids you have, sometimes the less we remember to capture those moments, but you never know the last time you will witness their childlike glee in things that they enjoy.

I have 4 boys ranging from the ages of 17 to 7.  This year my son started to question me about the real Santa Claus.  I saw a post on facebook on how a family shared the news with their children about Santa Claus and it sounded like an awesome tradition and way to share the news with them in a fun way. I tried to explain to him one day that Santa wasn’t real and after our experience it didn’t work. He said, are we going to see the real santa now.

The evening of x-mas was absolutely amazing.  I saw the excitement on his face as we gathered the carrots for the reindeer and put out the milk and cookies for Santa.  It all had to be perfectly placed. I could see his eyes beaming from ear to ear. Then the following morning I got to see him run down the stairs and look at the tree.  He was so excited. His expression was priceless as I basked in the glow of witnessing and remembering this experience forever

Then the worst of all things happened.  Andy’s present decided to not arrive in the mail.  So I had to scramble and find a new gift for him  When he opened his gift he did not seem excited.  He also made a comment about seeing some of the wrapping paper in my office for one of the gifts. He was very quiet that day.

A couple weeks later he whispered to me.  My shoes weren’t from Santa you know., they were from you and Danny.  I don’t think there really is a Santa. My heart broke.   I tried to have the conversation with him so that he wouldn’t find out and be disappointed like he was. However, there is a part of me that is glad that I was able to witness his childlike joy and curiosity one last time.  If he knew Santa wasn’t real then I would not have this last experience of his childlike wonder.

You never know the last time you might experience a special moment with someone, so treasure every moment to its fullest.

last time

I am a pretty transparent person and share from the heart. I believe it is when we share our vulnerabilities we allow ourselves to speak our truth and we become a shining light and example to others.

I have been through a lot of ups and downs in my life the past few years, but I don’t allow my circumstances to bring me down.  Yes, there are days where I have to be with and feel the emotions that are coming over me, but I will NOT let them get the best of me.

I have dealt with relationship issues, leaving my corporate job, challenges with a difficult child and the healing of past childhood wounds that have enabled me to grow into the person that I am today. God has opened up so many doors, because I have continued to say YES to being a leader in my life and not play a victim to my stories.

Many of you reading this could be struggling with health issues, chronic pain, mental issues, an emotional break-up, divorce, aging parents, or challenges with a difficult child. We all have challenges in life that we must face, but we can CHOOSE to let our stories and baggage take over, where we CHOOSE to play the victim or we can step up and be a LEADER in our life.


However, I CHOOSE to stay open to the lessons, messages and opportunities my challenges have brought me to learn.  I CHOOSE to let go of the excuses and the stories.  I CHOOSE to make room for more of what I want in life.

The key is taking 100% responsibility every day for what is happening, whether it is caused by me or not.  I CHOOSE to stay positive.  I CHOOSE to let go of regrets.  I CHOOSE to take action.

I am excited that my business continues to grow and now have a tribe I am excited to lead on facebook .  I invite you to joins us.  I share many tips that helped me get to the solid place I am right in my life.

Stay tuned for a new FREE series I will be offering entitled PASSPORT to SILENCE.  You will get the opportunity to join me for 10 Days of SILENCE, to drop the excuses and allow yourself to reconnect with YOU!