What a beautiful unexpected gift on my way to Asheville NC last week.  When I walked to my seat on the plane, I sat next to a woman who was playing games on her ipad.  I initially planned on minding my own business and reading a book, but God had other plans.

I reached out to ask her what she did and she said that she was a pastor and was flying into town for a funeral.   We ended up enjoying a lovely time together and talked the entire trip.  Talk about living in the moment.  I don’t think I have ever spoken to a complete stranger with such in depth discussion.  What a beautiful gift.

When I shared with her about my business ventures, as a women’s transformation coach, she was intrigued to speak with me more.  She could see the fire light up in my eyes when I spoke about what I love to do and my mission in the world.   She is 71 years old, has a doctorate in divinity, is recently retired and lives with her brothers, but has been a pastor for many years of her life.

Embrace the gift 3I asked her what is one nugget of wisdom she would give to me on my life’s journey.   She said spend every morning in silence and listen to what God is calling you to do.   Most people don’t spend enough time being quiet and still.  She shared that she has learned so much from people as they were dying. Many of them said they followed the rules of what they were EXPECTED to do.  They listened to what other people told them they SHOULD do.  They worked hard, but said “where is the life in life?”  On their death beds, many of them realized that they had not really lived their life, but at this point, it was too late to go back.

She shared that many well meaning faith-filled people live on the beliefs they were taught as a child.  They follow the rules and do what they are told, but have never reached a point where they stop doing what they are expected to do.  They never really develop a close relationship with God where they feel like they are truly LIVING and DOING what God wants them to do in their lives.

I was fascinated and blessed to have the honor of sitting next to someone with years of experience as a pastor all to myself.  She said it was such a pleasure to meet me and wanted to ensure that I knew it was Divine Guidance that we were sitting together.  It was a reminder and a sign from God that I am on the right path and am doing the work I am meant to do in this world.

We ended with a good bye hug.  She wished me well and said God Bless me on my new journey.  I will likely never see her again, but will remember those 2 hours forever.   Some people come into your life, for a reason, a season or a lifetime.  This encounter was for a reason, to remind me to have faith in the path that God has chosen for me.   WOW!

Enjoy living in the present moment.  You never know what gift might be there for you.  God may have sent someone for 2 hours for just one reason, but if we are not open and present to it, we could totally miss the opportunity.