As we dive deeper into POWER, I want to share an example from dance that rocked me to my core.  The backstory, I just learned a new dance move and was excited to “impress” the owner by practicing it with him, however, that all changed when he asked me to dance the foxtrot, a dance I didn’t know.

My heart sunk, and when he first approached me, I gave my power away by sulking and saying “I don’t know this dance.”  I was frustrated and getting all in my head.  My animal instincts kicked in to protect myself.

After reflecting, I realized, I was taught that a strong masculine man would take away my power, so I instinctively put up walls to protect myself from being hurt.  I created judgment against myself for being inexperienced in the dance as well as put expectations or judgment on him, thinking the owner of the studios should not waste his time teaching me basic steps when he should be teaching more advanced moves. His time and energy are more valuable than teaching me basic concepts.

An unconscious, controlling man would likely not be able to see through the walls.  He would take the power I was giving to him and use it for his benefit or respond back with resistance because his own wounds could be triggered.  However, a strong, conscious, powerful man could see right through my walls.  He was not interested in taking my power away or fueling his energy from mine.  He held space to meet me where I was and allow me to surrender my own negative thoughts and take my power back.  At that moment, I wasn’t thinking about the past or the future. I allowed myself to be in the present moment with no judgement, where we were both fully aligned with source energy and in our own power.

Not only did I take away the lesson that a strong powerful man, would not take away my power.  I also became aware of patterns I have when I give my power away. I used to be afraid a man would TAKE my power away, however, what I have come to notice is that I was giving it away rather than him taking it.  No one can take your power away unless you let them.    

When I say “I don’t know” – I give my power away.
When I seek approval from someone else, I give my power away.
When I show up frustrated or overwhelmed, I give my power away.
When I do what someone else suggests because it’s easy, I give my power away.
When I do something that isn’t a hell YES, I give my power away.
When I don’t ask for what I need or want, I give my power away.

Being worried about someone TAKING from you, is a lack mentality.  Like there is not enough power for everyone.  Everyone can’t win.  There must be winners and losers, so someone walks away with the power.   You need to fight to be the one who wins and walks away with the most power.  You are not consciously thinking like this, but your energy and subconscious mind is when you fear someone taking our power away. Your survival mode shows up.

What if it’s possible that there is enough power for everyone?

The average person is not actively seeking to take away your power (unless they are a manipulative monster).  If you  show up in personal responsibility and own your power, there is MORE than enough for everyone.  This is what it means to meet someone where they are at.  You stand in your power and do not try to take power away from someone else.  You simply radiate love and light.

When you believe there is an abundance of power, love and money,  there is no need to worry about there not being enough.  There is MORE than enough, and your scarcity beliefs begin to disappear.   You, being in your power, inspires others to be in their power.  You, showing up in love, allow others to feel loved and show up in love.   You believing there is MORE than enough, allows you to believe that YOU ARE ENOUGH.  When you believe in ABUNDANCE, instead of lack or scarcity, you naturally begin to attract more love, money and power in your life.