I wish, I wish, I wish.  I have said those words many times.  I wish my office was organized, functional and beautiful.  As someone who works from home majority of the time, I spend many hours of the day in my office.   I want the space that I work in to be inviting with positive energy and not cluttered and disorganized with things all over the place.  Last week, I made a decision last week I was going to stop the madness and ask for help in this area.

I have always longed for my house to be neat and organized as well as look nice too, but it has  never been my specialty.  I decided to hire two design consultants to come in and re-organize and re-decorate my office.  Since I basically live in this space, there are lots of papers everywhere, books readily available, stuff for kids, pictures, scrapbooks, etc… You name it, it was likely in my office, all but a pool table.  (That is in inside joke for those of you who know Jim Wacker, whose office is right next to the pool table.) =)

These 2 women came to my home and in 2.5 hours we tossed a bunch of papers, organized my files, moved around furniture and redecorated my room.  I was completely amazed at what they were able to do in such a short period of time.

In addition to that, there were a few more items that would totally uplevel the space.  A bulletin board, curtains, rug and a few other trinkets to make it functional and pretty.  The designers made a list for me and said they would give me ideas and then I could go shopping.  Or for an extra fee they would do the shopping for me.

WOW!  I typically don’t like to pay people for something that I could do myself, especially shopping, however, I knew that if I tried to do it myself, it would

a) take me longer than it needed to,
b) I would create stress and frustration in looking for “the perfect” items.  (which of course if I knew what ti buy, I would have already bought it).
c) I could spend hours online shopping and still not find what i was looking for.

Normally I would deliberate for hours and outline the pros and cons of  my option.  This time, I listened to my heart and decided to take the plunge and let them shop for me.  Yes, I actually paid someone to buy decorations and supplies for my office.  It was such an invigorating feeling to be free of having to make these shopping decisions and know and believe with confidence that they would do an amazing job.

How many times have you wished for something and thought that maybe you should hire someone else, but you didn’t because you knew you should be able to do it ?  Hire a cleaning lady, someone to mow your lawn, organize your home, paint a room, fix broken things in the house. a tutor for your kids etc…  I encourage you to seriously think about the VALUE of having someone else who is skilled in this area do it for you.   You are actually giving them a gift by allowing them to share their gifts with you.  The energy exchange is truly amazing.  Having someone else who LOVES to do these tasks can provide you with so much more ENERGY.  You no longer have to feel stressed or worries about something, as you know it will get completed.

I would love to hear about situations where you have paid someone else to do something amazing for you that allowed you more time and energy to do the things you LOVE to do.

(p.s.  If anyone lives in the Chicago Western Suburbs and is interested in their contact information please let me know).  They are amazing and inexpensive.  TOTALLY MORE THAN WORTH THE VALUE>