It’s the little things that matter “Just Because”.  My dad started a tradition a couple years ago where he would take one of my boys for some “papa and me” time.  With Andy my 4 year old, they would always go to Trader Joes and bring home a little something special for everyone. The typically brought me flowers and everyone else got some type of food or drink. For the longest time, this used to be a weekly event, but lives got busy and its been quite a few months since they have had this special time together.

Flowers from AndyEarlier this week, my husband and son went to the store to pick up a few things.   I gave them a list of a some things I needed, but was pleasantly surprised when they brought me home flowers (which were not on my list).  I heard the garage door and the pitter patter of little footsteps down the hall.  Andy then peaked into my office.  His little face was so cute with a big smile as he was trying to hide this nice surprise behind his back.

He said “These are for you mommy, I love you!”.  I melted.  It wasn’t my birthday, anniversary or mothers day, it was JUST BECAUSE.

There was a point in my life where I thought flowers were a waste of money.  I thought, while they are beautiful, they die so quickly, so why waste the money.  Why not just buy some fake ones and they will always be there.  But I have learned that the entire experience of receiving and enjoying the flowers was so amazing,

Taking in my son’s positive energy, along with seeing my husband being so proud of his little guy who came up with the idea himself and feeling the living energy in the flowers themselves, I was in total joy, awe and amazement.  It was just one of those really divine moments in life where I was literally able to “Stop and smell the roses”.

In this beautiful springtime, I encourage you to take the time to appreciate the beauty and tranquility of nature, JUST BECAUSE.  Whether it be a walk in the park, sitting on your front porch swing, buying yourself flowers, being in your gardening, watching a sunrise/sunset etc… I am truly amazed at the energy I receive by being in the presence of nature and God’s living creatures.

I would love to hear any ways that you get in touch with and experience the beauty of nature.