As you continue to rush around doing last minute things for the holidays, remember to take some time to just enjoy the REAL MOMENTS that life provides. One thing about the holidays is that while I want to enjoy the season, there are times I find myself wanting everything to be perfect. I want my hubby, kids, others, to be happy and fulfilled. So I create these expectations in my own head that in many cases are unrealistic and then am sad when things don’t turn out as planned.

As I was reflecting this week I relished in a few REAL MOMENTS that were unplanned, but really reminded me of the true meaning of the holiday season. Enjoyment in life is not about the decorations, shopping, presents, pleasing Aunt Merna, etc… but being open and present for those REAL MOMENTS that arise. I was pleasantly surprised to see REAL MOMENTS that were created on a random day this week, not on the big holiday itself. I was able to see and experience GOD in the spirit of each one of my family members. I wanted to share a couple of them with you, as maybe it will create an internal spark and reminder for you. Relationships are truly what matter and when you can see the face of GOD in others, that is when miracles and REAL MOMENTS happen.

The sweet innocence of my 4 year old Andy is totally amazing. I took one hour off work yesterday to watch him swim. I brought a pad of paper to do some work or planning while I watching. It’s such a busy time of year I thought I would multi-task and use my time wisely. But then I saw his cute little wet face pop out of the water. I watched him see me and wave to me. In that moment my heart wanted to be with just him. So I put down any planning thoughts and decided to just sit there, watch and observe him swim. I am usually a DOER and not a WATCHER, so this was an out of the ordinary experience for me. Andy was so joyous in his movements in the water. Even though I was observing him through a window, I could almost feel his positive energy wanting me to just be present with him. After class was over, he wanted to come home with me. My initial thoughts were, no I have to go back home to work. And then I looked at his sweet little face and decided to enjoy the moment and allow him to come home with me.

There were other examples like this with each of my kids this week, but if I shared the details, it would be a really long message. I typically find its easier to enjoy REAL MOMENTS with my children, especially the younger ones who still have this sweet innocence, but sometimes its harder to pay attention to the REAL MOMENTS with our spouses and see the face of GOD shining right back at you. I feel the need to share one last example that has to do with my husband. It was so simple, but fulfilling.

The weather has been so cold in Chicago, that I decided to go to the store and buy my husband some of his favorite frozen soups. I came home with the special bag and my husband was pleasantly surprised. He had secretly been wanting these soups but didn’t tell me and here I went out and bought some for him. If anyone knows Joe, he doesn’t show much emotion, so you never really know how he feels. This time was different, his expression was the same, but I could feel his energy and see the light in his face on how happy he was. He immediately put all of the soups in the fridge to defrost. (I guess he was going to eat them all soon). I wasn’t looking for a reaction, I just wanted to do something nice for my hubby, but what I got in return was so much more. When I didn’t have expectations and wasn’t looking to create a moment, GOD created the REAL MOMENT to experience.

I encourage you to sit back, relax and ENJOY the REAL MOMENTS this holiday season. From what I have expereinced, sometimes its the things that we don’t plan, where we allow ourselves to be still and see the spritit of GOD in one another that enable us to experience REAL MOMENTS.

“For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a future full of hope.” Jeremiah 29:11

May you all have a blessed and Happy Holiday and a Wonderful New Year!