As much as we like avacados, they can sometimes be a pain. They can take forever to ripen and then also go bad very quicky. Some tips on ripening and keeping them fresh.

Ripening – Keep avacados in a warm closed environment that allows that ripen then to build up. The gas that ripens them is called ethylene and its release by most plants as they age. Some fruits produce more than others. Apples and Pears release alot. That is why if you store your avacados with a couple of apples or pears the evening before you want to use them, over the next day, they should be perfectly ripe to go.

Keeping Fresh – Once peeled, the drama is keeping the flesh green. The reason avacados turn a brownish color brown is when an enzyme in them reacts with oxygen. Some people like to use an avacado pit, which may keep the guacamole its directly in contact with green, but not the rest of it. What does work really well is lemon or lime juice. The acid in the juice slows the reaction between the enzyme and the air. You can also prevent browning with a piece of plastic wrap, just press it down to push all the air out and voila!

Avacados are a fruit that has tons of vitamins and minerals in them, along with healthy fats. If you are looking for a great snack to give your kids after school, let them dip some chips or veggies into a freshly made bowl of guacamole. It’s sure to be a hit. Its also a great source of potassium which is key for the body’s growth. (About 2X more than a banana)

Easy Guacamole Recipe
4 Large Ripe Avacados
2 Garlic Cloves
1 Small Red Onion
3 Plum Tomatos
Juice of 2 limes (or lemons)