If women really want to experience the love and intimacy we crave, it begins with Shameless Self Love. I believe we create and manifest all aspects of our lives.  We magnetize our own reality to us and if we are not experiencing the love and intimacy we so desperately crave, let’s look at why!!!

What is getting in the way of you experiencing the depths of love you desire?

There is a part of us and our little girl that has a need to feel worthy and deserving of love and attention.  If we experienced any trauma or event as a little girl that skewed our vision of love, the imprint of that memory lives inside of our bodies (whether we consciously know it or not).   If we believe we should be punished or are not deserving of love, then we will not attract the type of love our heart truly desires. We will push away love, feeling we are not worthy of it or we will look to a man to rescue and save us from ourselves.  This is one of the many reasons so many marriages end up in divorce.

As a little girl, whenever I was afraid, I ran to my grandfather for love and attention.  That love and affection turned into inappropriate signs of love and skewed my view on love from boys and men.  I remember feeling like I always needed a boy in my life.  I didn’t know how to fill myself with love.  I thought I needed to find a man that would rescue me like grandpa did, but when I realized that type of love and affection was not appropriate, I felt ashamed and unworthy of the love I desired.  I had misunderstandings of what love really was ever since I was a little girl.  I can remember from a very young age, not feeling comfortable saying I LOVE YOU to my parents.  They used to say it all the time, but the words would never come out.   I always wondered why I didn’t feel comfortable saying I LOVE YOU, when they were such loving people.

– Did I feel they were NOT worthy and deserving of my LOVE?
– Did I feel betrayed by them?
– Did I feel they didn’t protect me?
– Did I feel that they hurt me?
– Did I feel abandoned by them?

These were some questions for ME to dive deeper into regarding my views of love.  We all have different perspective of what we were taught about love.  If you have struggled with putting yourself first and find it hard to give love to yourself, I encourage you to journal on some of the questions below:

  • What did your parents tell you about love and relationships?
  • How did your parents show love to each other?
  • Did your parents live a life serving others first? Or did they teach you the value of self-love?
  • Did you ever feel abandoned by either parent?
  • Did you feel your parents hurt you or didn’t protect you?

If we do not dive deeper into what we were taught about love as a little girl, it will impact NOT just our partnership, but it will also show up in other places in our lives, including our business.  LOVE is about self-respect, self-esteem, self-confidence, self- image and self-worth.  If we do not believe that we are worthy and deserving of love, money, happiness etc… then this imprint will expose itself in how you show up in ALL aspects of your life.  Truly loving yourself is valuing who you are!

If you want to experience blissful, epic love, you have to create it for yourself.  You can do this by embodying and embracing the highest consciousness of love first.  In this place, you will not only feel greater love, you will attract more of it to you.

Love starts within.  It begins with loving yourself so deeply that you feel it in your bones.  You begin to radiate a love so deep that that your radiance shines forth and you begin to attract more and more love to you.  You no longer need to look for love, you become love.  When you show up and radiate love, you open yourself up to the love you deserve.

So how exactly do you learn to love yourself first?  You allow your little girl to be free and awaken the Shameless Self-Love within you!