What where you taught about DESIRE?  Were you taught it was wrong, bad and shameful?  It is gluttonous to WANT more than what you have.  You should be grateful for what you have and not be selfish.  There are so many poor people in the world who need support and YOU don’t need that.  The list goes on and on.

I spent some time evaluating what I really thought about desire.  What was I taught?  Could it be that I had limiting beliefs around desire?  Could it be that I was taught certain things to protect me from desire?  Could it be that this fire and itch inside of me was real?  There really is more to desire than I originally thought!  If I was thinking this way, could it be that others were thinking and feeling the same thing too?  Are we all secretly wondering but not sure where to go?  Are we all wanting a sacred sisterhood where we can know that we are NOT alone in how we feel?

I had my own thoughts and decided to interview other women, and what I found is that they had many of the same beliefs, but at the same time, there was this nagging and yearning inside of them, that was SEARCHING FOR SOMETHING MORE

We REALLY do want and desire MORE in our lives
We REALLY do want to experience passion, romance and pleasure.
We REALLY do want to feel adventure, excitement and fulfillment
We REALLY do want to want to feel beautiful, alive and vibrant
We REALLY do want to feel like a woman..

Women are hungry for desire and don’t know it!!!

I was reading a book, Wild at Heart by John Eldredge and came across the top 3 core desires of men and women that God placed in our hearts.  Women want, romance, purpose and to look and feel beautiful.   I stopped in my tracks and thought WOW.  This is in alignment with what I feel and what many of the women I interviewed shared. This book also proceeded to talk about our Christian beliefs and how unfortunately our beliefs can get in the way of what we truly desire.

Some of you may agree or disagree with me here, but I feel called to share the insights that were downloaded to me.  What I realized after reading this book is that the reason it was hard for me and so many other women to claim what they really wanted is because at the core, we were told DESIRE is EVIL.

I was taught things like…
Desire is evil
Desire is wanting more than what we have
I should be happy what I have and not want more.
Desire is selfish and gluttonous
I need to earn what I want, not just expect it
If I didn’t earn it, I don’t deserve it
… the list goes on….
Where did these believes come from? I believe it stems from our cultural, familial and religious beliefs passed down from generation to generation.  After much research and contemplation, I found some insights with the story of Adam and Eve.  In short, Eve had a desire to eat from the fruit of the tree.  She went after her desire, when she was told not to and felt embarrassed and ashamed.  She felt naked.  She was banished from the garden and experienced a completely different life than before going after her desire. In short, this can translate into “Going after your Desires is Evil or Wrong”. If you go after your desires, you are going against God’s will and will be punished.  I know there are many folks who might question me on this interpretation, however, this is my observation and belief.  The truth is we ALL have subconscious beliefs that are blocking us from moving forward in our lives.  I encourage you to think…. WHAT IF… this is something that could be blocking me?

If you have a subconscious belief that “Desire is Evil”, it will be VERY HARD for you, go after your desires.  It will be very hard to identify what you want, let alone claim it and take time for you to manifest what you desire. What I have learned in my years of healing, is that Desire is causative and calls us forward.  Desire is a tool that God has provided to allow us to create more for our lives.  If you struggle with claiming what you want and desire in life, maybe, just maybe there is a limiting belief that is STOPPING you from claiming what you really want in your life.

What’s the connection with turn-on, pleasure and desire?

TURN-ON is what makes us feel ALIVE inside. When we FEEL alive, we allow our bodies to experience pleasure in SO MANY ways. When we dive into our pleasure, we open our desire channel to more and more desires.
PLEASURE is a feeling of happy satisfaction and enjoyment. Pleasure is a delightful sensation we allow ourselves to feel when our attention and energy is fully in our body. Pleasure is a gift from God that allows us to surrender to the feelings and sensations in the moment. Pleasure is different from fun (being playful) or joy (a state of inner peace), as it allows our bodies to feel.

DESIRE is a natural impulse that originates from your soul. Desire longs for you to expand and grow beyond what you already know. It rises above the obligations, should haves, rational or logical thinking, or seeking the approval of others. It requires that we are led by a force greater than our minds. Desire is the nutrient we need to fuel our soul. Desire is not the object itself. It is about being moved by the energy of desire itself.

What turn’s you on?
What brings you pleasure?
What do you desire?

There is no right or wrong answer. None of these things are wrong or bad. But so many women when asked the questions above have a hard time answering them. Why? Is it that they don’t know, or are they too ashamed to say anything because it’s not something they are supposed to discuss? It’s taboo to talk about turn-on, pleasure and desire. Does culture or comfort hold us back?
The truth is, pleasure is the missing link to much of the unfulfillment women are experiencing in the world today. YOU are the only one that knows your turn on. If something turns you on, it is your responsibility to communicate and let your partner know what you like or create the turn-on yourself. YOU know what brings you pleasure. ou are the only one who knows what feels good and pleasureful to you. Every woman is different, so you can’t expect your partner to know what you like. It’s not their job to be a mind reader.

It is important for you to know your body and what brings you pleasure so that you can communicate to your partner what feels good to you or create the opportunity to experience pleasure just for you.

Mama Gena, founder of the School of Womanly Arts, states, “Pleasure is the direct antidote to the crisis of confidence and powerlessness women are currently experiencing.” Self-development and talk therapy are helpful but they do not get into the body. There is something different that happens when the body experiences pleasure over anything else. We have been looking for confidence in the wrong neighborhood. We believe we are flawed, so we try to hide and pretend like we need to fix something about ourselves, however, what we really need is the ability to connect to our sensual intelligence.
And lastly, only YOU know what you desire. When you are alone in your room, using your imagination, fantasizing and dreaming about your natural desires, only YOU know what you secretly yearn for and crave. What do you wish was different in your life? What are those hungers deep inside of you that are just waiting to break free? You have the power to choose. When you embrace turn-on, own your pleasure and cultivate your desires, you can experience more intimacy, connection and fulfillment with your partner and in life.