How do you feel about money and abundance? We all have a story around money, and it’s important to dive into it deeper. I attended a networking event once and the presentation was around understanding your perspectives around money and abundance and the story that many people have created for themselves.

It started with a quote from Albert Einstein: “Everything is energy and that is all there is to it, match the frequency of the reality you want and you can’t help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.”

The speaker then described the functioning of the brain and how we train and wire the brain into patterns that are repeated over and over. If we want to make a change, we need to consciously retrain and wire the brain, just like a new habit. This is true for money and abundance, too.

Here are 3 steps to help you get clear about your relationship with money and abundance…

Step #1 – Discover your money story – Do you recall any of these comments in your life? Money doesn’t grow on trees, we can’t afford that, I don’t need to spend the money on X… These types of thoughts have become part of the story we defined for ourselves around money and abundance. God wants abundance for us. He wants to do great things for us in this world. Many of us hold on to these “stories” which in essence create negative energies around abundance. We need to believe that we are WORTHY of abundance. However, if we don’t believe and have faith, then we close our minds to the possibilities of what could be.

Step #2 – Operation Affirmation – We need to put good thoughts and energy into our lives. They say what comes around goes around. If you put out negative energy, then that is what you get back. If we are constantly saying I can’t afford that, or complaining about something, then those are the things we attract to ourselves. If you generate good prosperous thoughts, then positive energy is what you get back. When trying to think about abundance in any area of life, it is important to focus on an intention and positive affirmation. Here was an example: “I easily and effortlessly accept money and abundance into my life in expected and unexpected ways.” This doesn’t mean you are going to win the lottery and become a millionaire, but it opens up the pathway for abundance to flow through to you in however God or the Universe chooses to provide.

Step #3 – Promise to Self – Consistent intention to be deliberate and diligent is important. It’s one thing to say we want something and another thing to REALLY want it. How many people say, “I want to lose weight,” and don’t. It is one’s belief and then the actions that follow the belief that lead to the outcome. If you truly BELIEVE it will happen, then live as if you are where you want to be and the written or spoken words will begin to manifest.

I challenge you to think about your own personal beliefs and story around money and abundance. I truly believe that the universe and all living things are made of energy. Energy surrounds us and helps to create our futures. I have personally seen a variety of examples on how BELIEVING and having FAITH enables amazing things to happen.

Use these steps to help you get clear about your money and abundance stories, then shift your energy so that you can create the life that you want.

When it comes to the holidays, you probably hear this question from your loved ones a lot, “What do you want?”

My first thought was always REALLY?  Do you really need to ask me what I want?  Then the little gremlins start to come in saying things like, “If you really loved me, you would know the subtle hints I have been providing to you on the things that I love and enjoy.” or “If I tell you what I want, then it takes all the fun out it.”

I have to stop myself in my tracks.  I have been focusing more on looking inward and listening to my heart before I let my head have its way.

Why is my loved one asking me this question?  Well, it’s because they love me and want to do something nice for me.  They don’t want to purchase something that I won’t like.  They are really thinking about me when asking the question.  So rather than judge them for asking the question, I decided to sit down and think about what do I REALLY DESIRE?


This is a tough one for us to answer sometimes.  I was raised in a faith-filled home and was shown to sacrifice my wants and desires for others.  If I wanted to be a good person, I needed to put my selfish needs aside and focus on others before myself. I was also encouraged that I should only buy things that were absolutely necessary.   Before purchasing something I should evaluate whether I needed or wanted it.  I ended up being very frugal and stingy with money as I became worried that there would never be enough.  It was sinful for me to want more than was absolutely needed in my life, when there are many starving and less fortunate people in the world.  I felt like I wasn’t worthy enough to invest in things for myself, otherwise I would be seen as greedy or gluttonous.  I believe that people who had money and were rich, were snobby and were not focused on the right things in life.  I shouldn’t be frivolous with money.  I should be smart and only purchase what is absolutely needed.

And then the vicious cycle begins.

As women we tend to put our own wants and needs aside for others.  We deny the fact that deep down inside we have dreams and desires that we long to have filled. The hard truth is, if we don’t acknowledge our dreams, talk about them, and share them with others, they will stay hidden. When something is hidden it will stay buried until someone digs it out.  Over time, if we don’t connect with our dreams and desires, we will begin to feel unfulfilled.

So, as we get ready for the holidays I ask you, what do you REALLY DESIRE? And not just what you desire as gifts from your loved ones. Take the time to dig deep and put your desires for your life into the universe.