What do Tennis Baseball and a Sacred Labyinth have in common? My boys and living to enjoy the moment.

Last week I attended an event by a local group called Think Wholistic at a labrynth here in Naperville, Il. My first experience with a labyrinth was when Beth Majerszky planned a wellness retreat for my 40th birthday party. Walking a labyrinth is a spiritual experience & provided wisdom & guidance on my life’s journey.

So when I heard there was a labyrinth event close to my house, I packed up my 4 kids for the evening. I took them to a ball field to play tennis baseball (a new invention for my family), a couple blocks away from the labrynth. We played for a while and then I told them I was going to go to an event for about an hour. They could continue to play and then we could all go out for dinner. They all agreed.

At the event, I learned so many things about the history of the labyrinth in downtown Naperville, it was absolutely amazing. The couple who designed and built it (Debi Kermeen) were there to share stories with us about how it came to be and the their journey to building over 80 Labyrinths across the US. (Labyrinths in Stone) When God called them to begin this work, they had no idea how many lives would be touched by their work Hearing their story and mission created an even greater depth of the labyrinth experience. I was honored to be a part of this journey.
labyrinthThe best part is what came next. My four boys were done with their game and came to sit in the background while the talk was still going on. Then came time to walk the labyrinth. There were beautiful flowers and pictures in the middle along with candles all along the outsides. My 6 year old was very excited and wanted to participate. Before I knew it, all of my kids came over and were intrigued by what all the fuss was with walking a labyrinth. I watched them as they watched everyone else. They took their shoes and socks off and began to walk the sacred journey in silence. I watched as each one of them wanted to participate in some way. My little guy walked behind my friend Beth like her little shadow. I stood there in absolute amazement that my boys would willingly participate in this activity. If I would have told them I wanted them to participate, I am certain I would have gotten some interesting looks. But to my amazement they were drawn by the power and energy of the labyrinth and all participated in some way in the experience.

Not only was I able to experience this meditative sacred walk, but my family was able to experience a part of me and something that I enjoy. I am truly blessed and humbled by the experience and will remember and cherish this special day always.

If you have never experienced a labyrinth, I encourage you to look for one near you. Take time in silence and experience meditation and mindfulness in a different way.