I am so excited to share that I was just recognized for running my Freedom Keys program for a pilot group of women at Accenture.   I received so much interest after the announcement, that I wanted to share a little bit more about my story and how the Freedom Keys came to be.

I know that being a Supermom is totally unrealistic, but in striving to “do it all”, I have felt completely overwhelmed, exhausted and burnt out. I played the role of wife, mother, daughter, friend, co-worker, boy-scout leader, marriage encounter leader, school committee member, choir member, church spiritual director and so much more. Through my entire career, I had no less than a 90 minute commute to work, to the client site, or to the local Chicago office. Many times I would leave my house at 530 am and not get home until 8 or 9pm. I had little to no energy. I can even remember days where I would fall asleep on the train, or worse fall asleep while driving home. I was doing all I knew to get by. I felt drained, overwhelmed and exhausted. I worked REALLY HARD, but didn’t see how my efforts were paying off? I was so immersed in SO MANY OTHER things, that I didn’t take time for me.

As a result, I received my initial wake-up call when two of my kids were diagnosed with serious health issues. I buried myself into learning everything I could to help my family. I eventually created an Accenture blog to share my expertise and passion for health and wellness in hopes of helping other families. Even though I was helping my boys, I was still struggling to keep it all together.

In juggling a career as well as a household of 4 boys, I eventually got to a point where I had little to no energy left to give. I found myself being unhappy and disengaged. I felt ignored, unfulfilled and underutilized. I knew I needed to do something different, but what?!
I took a leap of faith and decided to do something scary and different. I invested in myself. Let me tell you that was NOT an easy task. That story is a whole other book in itself. However, during my journey last year I learned so much and had the honor of being invited to a co-author an international best-selling book Rapid Change. I shared my secrets on how to apply the 7 powerful steps I learned, which unlocked the pathway to reclaiming my own inner power and embracing my deepest dreams and desires. It all begins with SILENCE!

The Freedom Keys Kickstart Program is an extension of those secrets. It introduces 7 keys to tapping into your own presence, power and potential. Here is a quick overview of each week’s topic.

S – STOP and NOTICE – “What’s Working Hard Got to Do With It?”
I – INTENTIONS – The Truth about Intentions & Desires vs. Wants, Needs & Worries
L – LISTEN – Hello! Is there anybody out there? The Hard Truth about Multi-Tasking
E – EMOTIONS – Get Real and Feel; What’s the Issue Dear?
N – NEW BEGINNINGS – What Lies are you Holding On To? Break free from the chains
C – CHOICE – Take a Closer Look in the Mirror; Make a Change
E – EXPRESS : I believe I Can Fly! (Be Seen, Be Heard, Be YOU; BELIEVE)


I teach women how to create more SILENCE in their lives. We have time to quiet our minds, learn some hands on tools and techniques, hear some inspirational stories, get time to practice being in the moment, (through mind, body exercises) and learn the art of observing self and others.

These were not things I was taught as a kid or adult at home or at school, however, in the past few years, through further education, training, and personal experience (along with a lot of trial and error), I have learned some amazing things that I want to share with thousands of working women around the world.

In future week’s, I will dive a little deeper into each of the 7 keys to freedom. So stay tuned for some new great stories and inspiration. In this day and age we need the support to take additional time for ourselves and the Freedom Keys was born as a way to share my personal story and support thousands of women in their own journeys to freedom.

If you or someone you know would be interested in learning how to DO MORE with LESS, have MORE ENERGY, and/or live a HEALTHIER lifestyle while creating new satisfying relationships, sign up for a complementary Feminine Presence Clarity Call at  http://www.scheduleonce.com/JenBugajsky .

This one call could make a significant impact on your life and on the lives of the people you love most.