Many of us have seen commercials advertising the Coca Cola Bears. They are cute and meant to entice us to dance around and enjoy life. If we consume those sugary soda drinks, which so many of us crave, we are led to believe life will be much more enjoyable.

During the holidays, we will be surrounded by lots of food. Many of us will watch our portion control (especially our dessert intake), but how many of us pay attention to what we are drinking? Soda and sugary drinks are not just about the calories, but what it actually does to our bodies.

The Center for Science in the Public Interest has been working on a video to change the way the world looks at soda and sugary drinks from a source of happiness to a disease promoting source of sadness. The Real Bears tells the story of a family suffering from the adverse health impacts of soda consumption. Research has proven a direct relationship between consumption of sugary drinks and an increase in obesity which promotes diabetes, heart disease, stroke and many other health related problems. (Including amputation and erectile dis-function) Please note: one does not have to be obese to have health impacts from too many sugary drinks.

At the end of the film, the family of bears decides to reclaim their health and their happiness. The Real Bears family learns, like many real American families have, that these conditions and their complications are sources of sadness, not happiness.

Did you know? – Soda and sugary drinks are still the biggest single source of calories in the American diet.

Did you know? Sugary drinks are not limited to Soda. Many of the sports drinks, lemonades, ice teas, smoothies, and fruit juices have just as much sugar as a soda.

If you are one of the many people out there that still need to have your sugary pick me up daily, read more to understand the growing concerns these drinks are having on your overall health. If you no longer drink soda or sugary drinks, GOOD FOR YOU! But maybe you have a loved one who continues to drink them even though they know it’s not good for them. And for our kids out there, let’s educate them on the REAL impacts of ALL of these sugary drinks and teach them how to make better choices. Share this message and video with those that you love.

In the coming year, Julie Wilkes is giving me the opportunity to present a new webinar “The Hidden Impacts of Sugar.” I will expand on the impacts of sugary drinks, as well as touch on the following topics:

1) Facts around sugar consumption
2) Demo on how much sugar a child typically consumes in a day
3) Discuss damaging impacts of sugar on the body
4) The Real Truth and what we can do about it