Happy  Half  Way into the New Year to all!

I can’t believe how fast time flies.  On January 1st  each year most of us create resolutions that we plan on achieving for the upcoming year.  This year I challenged everyone that rather than creating a list of goals to achieve for the year, to think about how you want to BE this year.  In our busy lives, we many times get wrapped up in DOING, that we forget how to just BE.

Last year I attended a seminar where I did the following exercise. I outlined what I was DOING, who I was BEING and what I HAD. At the end of the exercise, I learned if I continued BEING a certain way, there was an almost probably certain future, that I would probably DO the same types of actions and end up HAVING many of the same results. We all know it takes at least 21 days to change a habit, but the secret to making successful change in our lives is to focus on who we are BEING.  This is the compass that drives us.

So I decided that my one word resolution for 2014 was to be NURTURING.  So I thought I would share how that is working for me.  I have had the most amazing year of my life.  Those of you that know me, can see the difference.  I have had family members approach me and say “There is something different about you”.  Colleagues have also noticed a difference in not only my appearance, but in my way of being and my upbeat attitude.   My kids have noticed a difference and as a result, I am noticing a difference in them too.  It’s like there is this new energy that allows me to BE more nurturing to not only myself but to others. I have also been able to continue evolving my health coaching business into more than I could have ever dreamed.

Here is what I DIDN’T Do.

  • I didn’t lose 20 – 30 pounds
  • I didn’t start toning or getting in shape
  • I didn’t get a promotion
  • I didn’t run a 5K or a marathon
  • I didn’t win the lottery
  • I didn’t go on my dream vacation

What was my secret?

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I focused on loving, appreciating, respecting and nurturing myself!  YES!

I found that when I invested, time, money and energy nurturing myself, that I began to have more love, time and energy  to extend to my family, friends, colleagues as well as the clients I work with.   My journey to this new place of BEING didn’t happen overnight.  In actuality it wasn’t hard, but I fought myself so many times that I made the process harder than it needed to be.


  • How many of you say you just can’t afford to spend the time, money and energy on yourself?
  • How many of you put your children first and sacrifice your needs ahead of theirs?
  • How many of you try to be supermom and end up sacrificing your own health, (bad eating, habits, lack of sleep, feeling exhausted and stressed out?) and the list goes on and on…
  • How many of you say, I long for something more, but make up excuses as to why you can’t spend the time, money and energy on yourself?

What is the real reason underneath WHY you are not investing in yourself?  It’s deeper than the money and time.  Let’s face it, when we really want something, we figure out how to make it happen.  It’s time for you to INVEST IN YOURSELF!

Believe me.  I have been there.  As a full-time working mom with 4 kids I understand the challenges with work life balance.  I will share with you more on my story and many of the excuses that held me back around why I said I couldn’t do it.

I am excited to share that in just two weeks, I am part of an amazing opportunity as a co-author in a book entitled Rapid Change..  30 women experts, with 30 unique stories and lessons, woven into 30 chapters of heart-felt wisdom for women like us, doing too much, with too little time for ourselves.

I am asking for all of your support to share with friends and family as well. We have the book being presented to Ellen, Oprah and many others who have graciously agreed to share it with their audiences and peers.  The stories you will read and tips you will be given in each chapter are priceless…I read the manuscript!! I know!

The book will be available on Amazon on the launch day of July 15th!  If you want to see a sneak peek, check out our facebook page.  Stay Tuned for more details on the book and the amazing Telesummit as well where you will get to hear from many of experts. ENJOY!
