This month my word for December was transformation.  I have seen my life and business transform in so many ways.  Not only am I able to see the transformation, but I can feel it too.  I have seen have HUGE shifts in perspective that I would have never dreamed possible.  I saw my children have huge breakthroughs. I have seen huge shifts in my business and the experience I share below allowed me to not only dream of my transformation, but physically feel it in the core of my being.   When you are able to fully embody your word, your vibration rises to meet your desires.  This is when life being to manifest at rapid speed and you begin to attract more of what you desire because your physical and spiritual vibrations begin to come together.

One night last week I experienced a depth of my being I didn’t even know was possible. I felt like a caterpillar in a cocoon that was much to big to remain where she was. There is no longer enough room for where I am right now to continue. I could feel the breath of life flow through me like waves in the ocean. It was as if I was dancing with the spirit of the divine. As I engaged in deep breath, soft tears slowly flowed down my cheeks as I fully embraced the depths of my being.

As I danced, I could feel my body move in ways I never have before. The breath in combination with the flow and the rhythm of the music, allowed me to stretch, pull and move my body as I made room for this new version of me to emerge. I could physically feel it. The lower half of my body was strong and grounded and the upper half of my body felt like it was thrusting and bursting its way through. I typically feel strong in my lower body but this upper body energy was like no other. I could literally feel the muscles in my body pulling and tugging its way out.

This was a breaking free into the depths of my being physically, spiritually and energetically. It’s not an awakening, but rather a re-birth. Taking all of the seeds that have been planted and emerging into this new version of me. A total TRANSFORMATION of my becoming.

This experience is available to all of us if we allow ourselves to dive into the depths of our being and do the work that leads us on this path to transformation. It isn’t always easy, but its well worth it.
