It is that time of the year again after the holidays where we take the time to think about our goals, dreams and intentions for the next year.  Many people want to lose weight, make more money, create more intimacy in their lives, find the “right” someone for them and the list goes on….

I hear stories of so many people who had the best intentions in creating their New Years Resolutions.  But for some reason or another something happened!  They started out with the desire, will power and motivation to accomplish their goals, but ended up not achieving what it was they really wanted.  What happened?  Has this ever been you?

Trust me, I have been there myself.  However, I want to share with you a secret of something that has changed the course of my life and how I look at my intentions for the year.

I do create intentions of how I envision my life to be each year.  However, I have another secret that has helped grow my life and my business in exponential ways.  I focus on how I choose to BE FOR THE YEAR.  I don’t just pick a word of the year. I also choose a word for each month of the year.  So rather than creating a huge “to do” list of how I intend to accomplish all of my goals, I focus on BEING and embodying that word for each month.


I have many stories from myself as well as my clients on the impact focusing on one word has had in our lives.  Click here to read about my word of TRANSFORMATION from this past month.  When we have multiple goals and intentions, we can create a huge to do list which can seem daunting for how we are going to accomplish our goals. However, when you focus on BEING ONE WORD, prayers are answered in ways that your “to do” might never have imagined.

I invite you to join us for an amazing event on January 13th.  You can experience the magic of creating your soul forecast for the year and experience how focusing on ONE WORD each month can change your life.