How many of you find yourself struggling with “SHOULD I SPEND MONEY ON THAT?

What have you been taught about money?  Have you been taught the following?:

Money is the root of all evil
Money is not that important, its just money
Money doesn’t grow on trees, it is a limited resource
You need to save for a rainy day
It is selfish to want a lot of money

These are just a few of the top money and abundance blocks out there. I have personally struggled with my thoughts and beliefs about money.  It is never something that I really focused on.  However, as I created intentional focus on my thoughts and beliefs about money, I have seen some shifts in my life.

Money is a representation of the value that you provide to others.  It is an exchange for goods or services rendered.  It’s all about defining the VALUE that is created by the exchange.

How often do you make decisions based on a lack or scarcity mentality as opposed to an abundance and and prosperity mentality?  Many times we don’t invest in ourselves, because we are afraid to spend the money.  Which is the exact opposite of what we really want.  We allow ourselves to punish or sabotage ourselves unknowingly by not being true to ourselves and our desires.

KayakI remember last summer I was reintroduced to my love of kayaking.  One day I decided to take two of my boys for a surprise and went to the Naperville Riverwalk so that we could rent a kayak and go on the water,   When I got there, I looked at the price of the paddleboat vs. the price of the kayak.  While I REALLY wanted to rent the kayak, it was like $25 MORE than the paddleboat.  So I stood there, and questioned myself.  WHAT SHOULD I DO?  WHAT SHOULD I SPEND MY MONEY ON?

I almost rented the paddleboat and then something in me said NO.  You came here to kayak, so spend the extra money and get the kayak.  That is the REAL EXPERIENCE you want to have.   There is value behind the experience of having your boys experience a kayak vs. the paddleboat.  Don’t sell yourself short.   I did choose to rent the kayaks and we had an AMAZING experience.  I felt so good about my decision and the experience we had.  If I wouldn’t have spent the money, I would have felt bad that I didn’t listen to myself and would have wondered what we might have missed out on, however in the past I have deprived myself or chosen NOT to do something and ended staying in my comfort zone.  This felt SO MUCH BETTER and because I was true to myself and in alignment with what I wanted, I started to see shifts with my kids.  That was reason enough to say yes to my own desires.

How many of us, stop in our tracks and don’t spend money on what we REALLY want, thinking another option might save us money.  Each situation and person is unique on what they define as valuable, however, what I learned about myself was that when I saw VALUE in something, I would invest the money on it, however, if I saw it as wasteful or not worth it, then I wouldn’t spend the money.

I encourage you to think about WHERE YOU SPEND OR INVEST YOUR MONEY.  Do you invest in things for yourself?  If NOT, I would encourage you to reflect on why you are not valuing yourself enough to invest money in yourself.   Things shift for us when we are willing and open to shift our thinking. What could happen IF YOU INVESTED IN YOURSELF TODAY?

As millions of women gather in various places in honor of International Women’s day this week, I thought it was fitting to not only honor women who have stood up for many important causes as well as controversial topics over the years, but to also reflect upon what difference each one of us makes as a WOMAN.

Have you really ever thought about how BEING who you are not WHAT YOU DO, makes a difference in someone’s life? I encourage you to ACCEPT yourself for who you are.  No strings attached. Too many of us are focused on
1) seeking perfection (we want to be right and we don’t want to fail),
2) asking for permission (getting someone else’s approval) and
3) people pleasing, (or following the rules so we don’t hurt someone else’s feelings).

What would happen if you just showed up as who you are and did and said what felt good and in the moment.
… So what if you make a mistake and its not perfect
… So what if someone doesn’t like your idea, do you love it?  Go for it.
… So what if someone else misinterprets what you say or takes it personally

I myself have worried too much about what others will think of me.  If I say or do something that comes to mind, what will someone else think?  Is what I am doing or thinking NORMAL?
Weirdness2Many times we question, Is this “NORMAL”? We look for permission from others to see if what we are thinking or feeling is okay.  I many times catch myself saying things like “I’m just weird”, “Is that normal” or “I’m just crazy.”

What the heck is NORMAL anyway?!?!? Who defines what normal is? And if everyone were normal, what fun would that be? Where would the creativity and spontaneity be?

Why do we doubt ourselves and feel bad about what we think or feel? It could feel shameful, wrong, against the rules, or not approved by someone else. Why do we do this to ourselves?

I am done looking for normal
I am done trying to be normal
I am done trying to fit into someone else’s expectations of me
I am done looking for others to validate that what I think or feel is normal
I am done worrying about feeling weird or crazy, questioning if what I think or say is normal.

I know my truth and accept myself for who I am (weirdness and all). It takes courage to step up, claim your power, speak your truth and use your voice. Step into confidence, ask for what you really want and command the respect and credibility that you deserve. It all begins with accepting and claiming ALL OF YOU! Weird parts and all.

If every woman embraced her weirdness, we would see so many more creative, strategic, innovative ideas being born. There is no need for validation from others. Be who you are weird, crazy, quirks and all. It’s all good. In fact, those are likely the things that make you special and unique.



How many of us have the courage to face our fears? Its so much easier to run away and hide from them, than it is to face them.  If we can point the finger or blame someone else for a situation, then we keep ourselves in that fear mentality.  We are choosing to not take responsibility in the moment.  How are we modeling that for our kids?  Do your kids see you talking about your fears and facing them?`

I want to share a recent story from my 7 year old son.  We went to his brothers hockey tournament and of course he wanted to stop at the snack bar and get a bag of chips for the game.  I gave him a couple of dollars and suggested that if he really wanted the snack that he could go to the counter and order himself.  He looked at me and said, “no you do it”.  I looked back at him and said, “mommy is right here.  If you really want the chips you will go and pay for it yourself.”  He proceeded to refuse.  I then told him I was NOT going to buy it for him.  As you can imagine he was not a happy little camper. He was very upset with me and didn’t want to speak to me. He was pouting.

face fearThe afternoon passed and a few hours later there was a second hockey game. Andy said mommy “can I have money for a snack? I’ll do it this time.”  I was surprised.  I watched and waited as he went to the snack bar all by himself.  He then came back and said “‘Mommy, I did it I faced my fear!”.

I was so proud of my little guy.  He must obviously hear me talk about facing our fears all the time for him to be so confident and proud in saying what he did.  This was a great example for me in standing my ground and not giving in just to please a kid.  He experience what it was like to pout and not get his way.  He learned it didn’t work.  Then next time he learned how to step up and take responsibility for his actions.

Happy Kid.  Happy Mom!

This past week I had two opportunities show up in my life that really tested me.  My family has been looking for a dog and it seemed like everything was falling into place with grace and ease.  I was excited and nervous at the same time.  I kept praying and asking for guidance on what we should do.  While I was a bit nervous, I decided to take the leap and follow the signs I kept getting from spirit.  On Friday this week, I received a message that the family decided to keep the dog.

Of course my heart broke hearing the news that was not expected.  My first reaction was, “Really God?  Why?  I thought all signs were leading in this direction and now things shifted.  What did I miss?”  I started blaming, getting angry at God and questioning all that had transpired.

My coach saw a post of mine and said “STOP PLAYING THE VICTIM”.  There is something better out there and God knows what the best answer is for your family.  He rearranged this for a reason.  Look for the evidence and expect that something is coming. Many other people provided thoughtful encouraging words, which was great.  But what really caught me in my tracks was “STOP PLAYING THE VICTIM JEN”.  Many people might not like hearing those words.  I didn’t like hearing it, but I GOT THE LESSON.  I loved all of the other supporting encouraging words from people, which was SUPER NICE.  Those messages didn’t get to the CORE of the issue at hand.  I was sulking.  I was playing small.  I was blaming God.  Really? What good is that going to do?

I had another instance happen with a very dear friend where I wanted something, but wasn’t clear on what I was asking for and when I didn’t get the response I was looking for, I shut down. I was already in a “bad place” emotionally and I PLAYED VICTIM AGAIN.  She didn’t tell me I was playing the victim, but was DIRECT and HONEST with her feelings and put me in my place.  I felt terrible and never meant any harm by what I said.  Subconsciously I was trying to get a reaction by not being honest with my own feelings.

This is what stepping into and claiming your power is all about.  LEAVING VICTIM MENTALITY BEHIND, no matter what the issue.  It could be as small as not getting the answer you were expecting to experiencing a death in the family.  There is a series of feelings that need to be felt, however, if you are not honest with yourself and others you pave the way for conflict and victim mentality in your relationships.

victimHow many times are people not really honest with you about how they feel for fear of hurting your feelings? Being nice doesn’t support your higher good.

Did I like hearing the feedback I got? NOPE.
Did I learn from it? YES
Will I be more cautious next time? YOU BET!

I intend to be OPEN, HONEST and DIRECT in my communications with people.  I also will keep up my enthusiasm and see the beauty and gift in every circumstance.  I will not let myself wallow in my own pain, but rather lift myself up and out.  I KNOW and BELIEVE that God is directly my life.  It won’t always look like a straight line, but if I continue to have faith, look for the evidence and expect bigger and better things, then something better will come around.

“Playing the victim only blinds you to your own flaws so you can never improve yourself.   Self pity is the easiest way to create unilateral misery”

It is that time of the year again after the holidays where we take the time to think about our goals, dreams and intentions for the next year.  Many people want to lose weight, make more money, create more intimacy in their lives, find the “right” someone for them and the list goes on….

I hear stories of so many people who had the best intentions in creating their New Years Resolutions.  But for some reason or another something happened!  They started out with the desire, will power and motivation to accomplish their goals, but ended up not achieving what it was they really wanted.  What happened?  Has this ever been you?

Trust me, I have been there myself.  However, I want to share with you a secret of something that has changed the course of my life and how I look at my intentions for the year.

I do create intentions of how I envision my life to be each year.  However, I have another secret that has helped grow my life and my business in exponential ways.  I focus on how I choose to BE FOR THE YEAR.  I don’t just pick a word of the year. I also choose a word for each month of the year.  So rather than creating a huge “to do” list of how I intend to accomplish all of my goals, I focus on BEING and embodying that word for each month.


I have many stories from myself as well as my clients on the impact focusing on one word has had in our lives.  Click here to read about my word of TRANSFORMATION from this past month.  When we have multiple goals and intentions, we can create a huge to do list which can seem daunting for how we are going to accomplish our goals. However, when you focus on BEING ONE WORD, prayers are answered in ways that your “to do” might never have imagined.

I invite you to join us for an amazing event on January 13th.  You can experience the magic of creating your soul forecast for the year and experience how focusing on ONE WORD each month can change your life.

Every year for as long as I can remember I have been one of those crazy people who has gone out shopping for Black Friday.  I remember years ago when stores didn’t open until 6am on Friday and my mom and I would go to bed early and plot out our day.  Over the past few years things changed and stores started opening on Thanksgiving evening.   Yes, I participated in that madness as well and even brought my kids out a couple years in a row.

However, this year I changed things up a bit.   WHY?

When you do the same thing over and over, you get the same results.  So I decided to take a risk and do something different.

Over the past few months I have heard some amazing testimonies from my clients after working with me.  Here are a few things women have said…

“I feel so relieved that I was able to talk out my thoughts and ideas with you and get them out of my head.  I feel a sense of peace and calm.”

“I am excited I had so many new opportunities open up since our session.  I already see the blessings after just one meeting and they just keep coming.”

“You took away the overwhelm and confusion on where to begin.  You helped me organize my thoughts and I love that you wrote them out for me.  It took away the pressure of trying to figure out exactly how to say it!”

“I didn’t realize I was limiting myself in how I was looking at my intentions.  You heard me say what I wanted and put it into words that were more purposeful and meaningful. ” 

“I didn’t realize the emotional blocks that were stopping me from getting started.  In the first 30 minutes, I felt a HUGE release and afterwards was able to claim what I REALLY wanted and desired.”  

As busy women we rarely have time for ourselves because we are so busy taking care of everyone else.  We have lots of ideas in our head, but struggle with where to begin and many times just don’t get started.

What would it feel like if you had someone take the time to support and nurture YOU in getting started with creating the life of your dreams?

I am offering a FREEDOM FRIDAY SPECIAL.  If you have been thinking of working with me, now is the time to act.

My 1/2 day VIP Intentional Living program typically runs for $397, and in the new year the prices will increase.  But during the holiday season, I know how important it is to take time for you so I am offering 5 slots for just $297 if you act before noon on Monday.

If there is one thing I have learned since I started my business, its to take massive action and listen to my gut.  God answers prayers in many ways and this could be the answer to a prayer that you have been waiting for.

But sometimes, we WAIT.
We wait for the perfect time.
We wait to see what others think.
We wait to see if a better offer comes along.
We wait because we want all of our thoughts to be PERFECT before we create our goals

What if this is the answer?  What if this is what God is calling you to do for yourself, for your family and/or your business?

I would love to support you and get yourself set up for the new year so that you can…
… release the overwhelm
… feel a sense of peace and calm
… feel heard and understood
… have clarity around your life intentions
all while having the support from someone who’s been there


If you feel, a twinge of a YES, Listen to your gut and send an email to to claim your spot.
Action takers win and this offer closes Monday at noon CST.