Every year for as long as I can remember I have been one of those crazy people who has gone out shopping for Black Friday.  I remember years ago when stores didn’t open until 6am on Friday and my mom and I would go to bed early and plot out our day.  Over the past few years things changed and stores started opening on Thanksgiving evening.   Yes, I participated in that madness as well and even brought my kids out a couple years in a row.

However, this year I changed things up a bit.   WHY?

When you do the same thing over and over, you get the same results.  So I decided to take a risk and do something different.

Over the past few months I have heard some amazing testimonies from my clients after working with me.  Here are a few things women have said…

“I feel so relieved that I was able to talk out my thoughts and ideas with you and get them out of my head.  I feel a sense of peace and calm.”

“I am excited I had so many new opportunities open up since our session.  I already see the blessings after just one meeting and they just keep coming.”

“You took away the overwhelm and confusion on where to begin.  You helped me organize my thoughts and I love that you wrote them out for me.  It took away the pressure of trying to figure out exactly how to say it!”

“I didn’t realize I was limiting myself in how I was looking at my intentions.  You heard me say what I wanted and put it into words that were more purposeful and meaningful. ” 

“I didn’t realize the emotional blocks that were stopping me from getting started.  In the first 30 minutes, I felt a HUGE release and afterwards was able to claim what I REALLY wanted and desired.”  

As busy women we rarely have time for ourselves because we are so busy taking care of everyone else.  We have lots of ideas in our head, but struggle with where to begin and many times just don’t get started.

What would it feel like if you had someone take the time to support and nurture YOU in getting started with creating the life of your dreams?

I am offering a FREEDOM FRIDAY SPECIAL.  If you have been thinking of working with me, now is the time to act.

My 1/2 day VIP Intentional Living program typically runs for $397, and in the new year the prices will increase.  But during the holiday season, I know how important it is to take time for you so I am offering 5 slots for just $297 if you act before noon on Monday.

If there is one thing I have learned since I started my business, its to take massive action and listen to my gut.  God answers prayers in many ways and this could be the answer to a prayer that you have been waiting for.

But sometimes, we WAIT.
We wait for the perfect time.
We wait to see what others think.
We wait to see if a better offer comes along.
We wait because we want all of our thoughts to be PERFECT before we create our goals

What if this is the answer?  What if this is what God is calling you to do for yourself, for your family and/or your business?

I would love to support you and get yourself set up for the new year so that you can…
… release the overwhelm
… feel a sense of peace and calm
… feel heard and understood
… have clarity around your life intentions
all while having the support from someone who’s been there


If you feel, a twinge of a YES, Listen to your gut and send an email to Jen@thefreedomkeys.com to claim your spot.
Action takers win and this offer closes Monday at noon CST.