So who isn’t looking for a great mothers day present to show their mom’s , mother-in laws, wives, daughters, grandmas, god-mothers, sisters etc… just how much you appreciate and love them?

Being a mom is the most rewarding job in the world, but sometimes can be exhausting. (especially depending on how many kids you have). Even though there are days my kids drive me absolutely bonkers, I wouldn’t trade them in for the world. With 4 boys, when I say bonkers, it can get really crazy around our house. In all seriousness, what is one thing that many mom’s say they really want in life? They want to be stress free, relax, and enjoy being in the moment with those they love. They want to spend time with their family and loved ones, but many times are running around taking their kids to activities, keeping the house clean, volunteering at school, church etc… and worrying about everyone but themselves.

Light Bulb IdeaI invite you to allow the favorite woman in your life to take the much needed time for herself. I am not talking about a retreat that you take once a year, but simple things you can do on a regular basis to take time for you. I have two ideas for you, the first is a meditation series. Some people are familiar with the benefits of meditation and I wanted to share with you the Deepak Chopra/Oprah 21 day series. I just did it and it was totally amazing. I have seen transformational change happening right in front of my eyes. You can buy the entire bundle or just one series. The last one was entitled “Finding Your Flow” and is a pretty reasonably priced gift. Attached is a link to the store.

From my own personal experience I tried “this meditation thing” before and I will admit, I didn’t completely get it. While it was nice quiet time, I didn’t feel enlightened. I have heard stories from others saying things like, “I hear its beneficial, but I don’t know where to begin.” or “I don’t know how to meditate. My mind wanders and I don’t know what to do. It doesn’t work for me.” I can so relate. Previously, I wasn’t at a place that I really and truly understood how to listen to the inner voice inside. I didn’t have the basic tools to help me or someone to talk with about my experience, so while I participated and enjoyed the quiet time, I didn’t get a full experience of what I was hoping for.

That is why the second idea I have is working with a health coach. A Health and Body Relationship Coach can support you in focusing on learning how to take time for yourself. While as mom’s we know it is important, sometimes we need a little extra encouragement, support and a safe place to share our concerns. Our faith foundations have taught us that it is important to serve others, however, what I have found is that when I invest the time and energy to love, respect and appreciate myself, amazing things begin to happen in all aspects of my life, which then gives me more energy to love and serve others. I want to help other women experience that joy, fulfillment and sense of inner peace that we all deserve.

If you are interested in learning more for yourself, or a loved one, please feel free to reach out and check out my services.

My mission is to help women transform the health of their families. The mom is the heart of the family and my services help you focus not on just your physical, but also your emotional, mental and spiritual health as well.

I am also excited to share that I will be co-authoring a book along with 29 other woman to be published in July. Stay tuned for details coming soon. This will be another great opportunity to learn from a variety of successful women who have been able to break through some of the barriers and limiting beliefs that have held them back from living a true purpose driven life.

Happy Mothers Day to All!

 If you are interested in learning more about the other services One Powerful Step provides, visit or contact me