In the western world, we live in a patriarchal society, where the focus has been on men and the “masculine way” of doing things.  Women have had to work hard to get the same equality, opportunities and rights as men and in doing so we have lost a piece of our natural feminine nature along the way.  To take things a step further, there is a key piece of our feminine nature that was never passed down to us culturally from generation to generation, so in fact we would never know it was missing.

With the desire to be strong, independent and confident, many women have created a false, inauthentic presence. This lack of authenticity weakens their effectiveness, their self-esteem and their ability to create more of what they desire in life.  Women are hiding behind the truth of themselves and who they are. That truth begins with owning their body and their fullest expression as a woman (including their sexuality).   They may be strong and confident in many other aspects of their life, but when it comes to their body and their sexuality, they don’t see it as important.

For thousands of years, women were never taught the beauty, benefits and power that comes with being a woman.  We certainly were never taught to embrace our sexuality and our bodies.  We have always struggled with truly loving, accepting and treasuring our body for the beautiful amazing creature she is.  We have been taught to protect ourselves from men.  To hide.  To not show up as “too sexy”.

So I decided to interview hundreds of men and women, and I got these 3 answers to a very basic question.

What were you taught about sex growing up?


  • NOTHING: I didn’t learn much about sex and my body
  • I was told, don’t do it before you are married.
  • Use protection.


Now I understand that talking to your kids about sex and their bodies is not the easiest topic, however I want you to seriously reflect upon what you were taught, whether it was from your parents, school, religion or culture throughout your entire life.

How can we have a healthy society and teach future generations about sexuality when adults are not comfortable talking about sex and their bodies.  It’s ok to laugh and joke about farting, burping, peeing and pooping.  It’s a little embarrassing, however, it still gets a good laugh.  However, bring up the words, sex, moaning, orgasm, masturbation, dirty talk, pleasure, cock, pussy etc… and watch the room stop.  Everyone goes quiet and doesn’t know what to say.

I am not suggesting that we should encourage everyone including our young people to have sex all the time, however, what I am suggesting is that we encourage women to admit that we are sexual creatures with sexual desires.  There is no need to be ashamed of our authentic nature. We are not “bad girls” if we think about our desires and our own pleasure.  As a culture, we need to STOP suppressing ALL our desires (including our sexual desires) and STOP shaming the physical beauty of our bodies.

Our body and our perception of her lies behind the TRUTH of WHO WE ARE.

One of the keys to fully stepping into claiming our value and worth as a woman, is to get real with what we were taught about sex and our bodies.  We need to become aware of the conditioning we have around sexuality, rather than ignoring it or being afraid of it.  Since sex has been a TABOO subject it is something that is NOT frequently discussed.  However, it is a part of who we are and is an important piece for us to explore. How are we supposed to embrace our true nature and divinity as a woman, (including our sexuality) if no one taught us what it really meant?

Do you want to learn more?  Are you secretly curious to dip your toe into the water and discover the truth and beauty of sexuality and our bodies? Are you ready to discover how to honor and love yourself and your body for the sacred divine temple you are?

You are not alone! Join us for some fruitful conversations as we dive deeper into this sacred topic.