Society has put so much focus on BEAUTY for women, that it is constantly in our faces to “LOOK GOOD” at any age. We take care of our skin, put on make-up, get our hair and nails done, buy classy and glamorous clothes, wear cool jewelry, get a bikini wax etc… so that we look and feel sexy.

Now don’t get me wrong, I believe that investing in yourself is a HUGE and important step in the self-love process, but this is only one component. The truth is that you can put all the “sexy beauty” products on money can buy and still feel like you don’t love and accept your body.

I saw a post the other day of a mom who said something like, “it is okay to hate my body because of the amazing child I conceived from it.” I was stunned. I felt the pain and trauma of this woman as well as all the other women who agreed with her post. I wished they could love and appreciate their body for the miracle it created. Rather than accept and love her body for who she was, she gave herself permission to dislike her body because it didn’t “LOOK GOOD” to her anymore.

If we ignore, don’t love or reject our bodies, we are abandoning the core essence of who we are and create resistance to closing the gap between where we are and where we want to be. What we don’t realize, is that when we think or say negative things about ourselves and our body, we are not in alignment with source. Whether the thoughts are conscious or not, the vibration we emanate the vibration that runs the show. If we stay at a lower level vibration we will continue to attract more of the same. Our body and our sensual intelligence are the keys to creating more of what we desire in life. The key to raising our vibration is being able to FEEL. Our body can help us release resistance and close the gap so that we can raise our vibration and manifest our desires.

Your body is your truth. It is also your home in this lifetime. While, there is so much emotional and spiritual healing which focuses on the mind and the psyche, many times the body is overlooked. The body is essential to our healing and transformation. When we are unable to connect with our body, we create a gap between where we are and what we desire. If you dislike your body, or ignore your body, you are manifesting resistance to creating more of what you actually desire.

How many of you have tried to look at yourself naked in the mirror and say things like: “I love my naked body.” “I love how beautiful I look.” “I love and accept my body just the way she is.” I encouraged a client to say positive affirmations to herself and her feedback was, “I CAN’T DO IT. IT FEELS FAKE.” She didn’t believe it. She shared that she knew the power of positive affirmations, but whenever she tried, it didn’t feel genuine. It felt forced. It was uncomfortable. She didn’t like it.

Can you relate to her?