Have any of you tried manifestation practices, but got discouraged when things did not happen as you expected? You heard about the magic of the law of attraction and how you can create your own life and the relationship of your dreams. So, you dream big, set off rockets of desire hoping you will achieve your goals, attract the right partner, re-ignite the spark in your relationship, come into an abundance of money, but then it doesn’t happen. You get frustrated. You claimed what you want but are not physically seeing and experiencing things manifest like you desire. When this happens, there is a gap between WHAT you desire and how you FEEL about your desire.

Unfortunately, this experience happens to so many of us. We unintentionally create resistance that blocks us from manifesting what we truly desire. Like an emotional upper level limit problem. The hard truth is that you can’t just say affirmations and expect things to manifest.

The reason for this is simple…Most of us don’t really BELIEVE the statements we say. As a result, we are not able to raise our vibration to meet our desires.

Studies show our subconscious mind runs the show and drives 95% of what we create in our lives. Over the years, we have been programmed with a variety of beliefs. If those beliefs are running the show, no amount of positive affirmations alone will change those beliefs.

We must be open and ready to FEEL the vibration of our affirmations and beliefs not just THINK them. Thinking is in the MIND, but feeling is in the BODY. When we allow ourselves to be in tune with our body, we can shift our energy and begin to raise our vibration and FEEL into the belief of our desires. When you are connected to your body, you open the pathway to connect directly with source energy. If we are disconnected to our body, it becomes a struggle for us to FEEL that belief and conviction. This is where doubt sets in and gets in the way of what you truly desire. The challenge we have is that any sliver of doubt creates uncertainty and a lack mentality. This questioning disturbs our faith and belief that something will happen and keeps us in a resistance pattern.

So how can you raise your vibration so that you are in alignment with your desires?

You can’t THINK your way into it, you must FEEL your way into alignment. You can have faith and hope that something will happen, however the magic begins when you have the conviction of knowing something. You don’t need to prove it to anyone. It is a KNOWING deep in your core. You can feel it. Real transformation begins with the BODY, not the MIND. When you are tapped in, tuned in, turned on and connected with your body you
– FEEL the conviction and deep knowing
– Release resistance to shift your energy
– Raise your vibration to close the gap and meet your desire
– Experience the physical manifestation of your desire