What where you taught about DESIRE?  Were you taught it was wrong, bad and shameful?  It is gluttonous to WANT more than what you have.  You should be grateful for what you have and not be selfish.  There are so many poor people in the world who need support and YOU don’t need that.  The list goes on and on.

I spent some time evaluating what I really thought about desire.  What was I taught?  Could it be that I had limiting beliefs around desire?  Could it be that I was taught certain things to protect me from desire?  Could it be that this fire and itch inside of me was real?  There really is more to desire than I originally thought!  If I was thinking this way, could it be that others were thinking and feeling the same thing too?  Are we all secretly wondering but not sure where to go?  Are we all wanting a sacred sisterhood where we can know that we are NOT alone in how we feel?

I had my own thoughts and decided to interview other women, and what I found is that they had many of the same beliefs, but at the same time, there was this nagging and yearning inside of them, that was SEARCHING FOR SOMETHING MORE

We REALLY do want and desire MORE in our lives
We REALLY do want to experience passion, romance and pleasure.
We REALLY do want to feel adventure, excitement and fulfillment
We REALLY do want to want to feel beautiful, alive and vibrant
We REALLY do want to feel like a woman..

Women are hungry for desire and don’t know it!!!

I was reading a book, Wild at Heart by John Eldredge and came across the top 3 core desires of men and women that God placed in our hearts.  Women want, romance, purpose and to look and feel beautiful.   I stopped in my tracks and thought WOW.  This is in alignment with what I feel and what many of the women I interviewed shared. This book also proceeded to talk about our Christian beliefs and how unfortunately our beliefs can get in the way of what we truly desire.

Some of you may agree or disagree with me here, but I feel called to share the insights that were downloaded to me.  What I realized after reading this book is that the reason it was hard for me and so many other women to claim what they really wanted is because at the core, we were told DESIRE is EVIL.

I was taught things like…
Desire is evil
Desire is wanting more than what we have
I should be happy what I have and not want more.
Desire is selfish and gluttonous
I need to earn what I want, not just expect it
If I didn’t earn it, I don’t deserve it
… the list goes on….
Where did these believes come from? I believe it stems from our cultural, familial and religious beliefs passed down from generation to generation.  After much research and contemplation, I found some insights with the story of Adam and Eve.  In short, Eve had a desire to eat from the fruit of the tree.  She went after her desire, when she was told not to and felt embarrassed and ashamed.  She felt naked.  She was banished from the garden and experienced a completely different life than before going after her desire. In short, this can translate into “Going after your Desires is Evil or Wrong”. If you go after your desires, you are going against God’s will and will be punished.  I know there are many folks who might question me on this interpretation, however, this is my observation and belief.  The truth is we ALL have subconscious beliefs that are blocking us from moving forward in our lives.  I encourage you to think…. WHAT IF… this is something that could be blocking me?

If you have a subconscious belief that “Desire is Evil”, it will be VERY HARD for you, go after your desires.  It will be very hard to identify what you want, let alone claim it and take time for you to manifest what you desire. What I have learned in my years of healing, is that Desire is causative and calls us forward.  Desire is a tool that God has provided to allow us to create more for our lives.  If you struggle with claiming what you want and desire in life, maybe, just maybe there is a limiting belief that is STOPPING you from claiming what you really want in your life.

Remembering Your Worth

Have you ever had periods of time when you have lost sight of your worth?  In those times you might have felt depressed, insecure, or lacked confidence in yourself. You know something doesn’t feel good, so you will likely pursue substitute worth based on judgment and outside forces rather than the beauty that resides within you. You will look for proof and validation outside of yourself. You may find yourself in a position of settling for less than what you truly desire, but struggle with stepping forward and remembering your worth. It can be easy to let yourself go, settle for breadcrumbs, tolerate bad behavior, focus on pleasing others or question if you deserve what you desire.

When you truly feel worthy, you love, honor and accept yourself without hesitation. You no longer question who you are. You no longer linger in guilt or shame. You no longer beat yourself up for making mistakes.  You no longer look for excuses. You stop comparing yourself to others.  You take 100% full responsibility for your life.  You accept the truth of who you are including all your imperfections. You come to the realization that the conception of your worth is not based on the fulfillment of ANY expectations. You begin to see your mistakes and failures as just another part of life’s journey. You know you are interconnected with all other living beings and when you claim your worth, it allows you to show up happy, motivated and confident in the essence of who you are and shine your light into the world.

Humans are like drops of water in an endless ocean. Our worth comes from our role as distinct individuals as well as our role as a part of something larger than ourselves. Awakening to this concept can help you rediscover the worth and value within every one of us, which helps to create a ripple effect in the world.

Every time you treat yourself with compassion and kindness, appreciate yourself, define your personal boundaries, be proactive in seeing that your needs are met, and claim your desires, you express your recognition of your innate value.

When you STOP feeling guilty for honoring your needs and desires, you claim your worth.  These are actions of loving and honoring yourself.  There is no need to look for validation or proof from outside of yourself. You are claiming you are a high value, divinely powerful and fully expressed woman.

What would happen if you remembered your worth?
What if you could stop all searching to uncover that which you already are?
How would your life be different? How would you hold yourself?  How would your heart feel? How would your being feel?

The greatest gift you can give to yourself and to others is to stand in your own value and worth.  Not to feel good by enabling, fixing or saving others, but rather to be a living example.  When you raise your standards and honor your worth, you step into your divine feminine power and fully express your needs and desires in all aspects of life.  You stand in your truth and shine your radiance and light to others as a role model and example to the world.


What do you BELIEVE about WORTH ?
There is a big difference between self-esteem and self-worth, even though many times they are used interchangeably. Self- Esteem is a measure of how you feel about yourself at any given moment and is usually based on your skills, talents and abilities.  Your worth however, is not a product of your talent, your looks, your intelligence or how much you have accomplished.

Your worth is not defined by WHAT YOU DO, but rather WHO YOU ARE.  It is an immeasurable component of your eternal and infinite oneness with the Universe.  Your worth can not be taken away from you.  It can not be damaged by life’s traumas or challenges.  We are all born worthy and deserving. Your worth is intertwined into your very being as a human, however, as imperfect beings, you can easily forget or ignore your value and worth.

What were YOU taught about being worthy and deserving?

Honestly, as I reflect back, while I may have been taught that I was an amazing beautiful child of God, I still was taught to believe that I had to earn things in my life based on my skills, talents and abilities.  I was rewarded and praised for what I accomplished or did in my life.  I had to work hard and prove myself in order to be worthy and deserving of receiving praise, gratitude and recognition.  While I knew God would provide me grace and forgiveness daily, I still had to prove my worth and value in everything I did.

Your value and worth is about knowing your beliefs, owning your desires, loving yourself and your body, standing in your power and claiming your value so you can shine your light and radiance into the world.  There is a beautiful quote from Brene Brown that I absolutely love, that fully encompasses the depth of what this means to me.

“I’ve come to this belief that, if you show me a woman who can sit with a man in his real vulnerability, in deep fear, and be with him in it, I will show you a woman who, A, has done her work and, B, does not derive her power from that man.

Show me a man who can sit with a woman in deep struggle and vulnerability and not try to fix it, but just hear her and be with her and hold space for it, I’ll show you a guy who’s done his work and a man who doesn’t derive his power from controlling and fixing everything.”
When we are focused on OURSELVES and not on fixing or saving others, we can fully stand in our value and our power.  When we let go of the need to control, fix or save others and LIVE OUR LIVES, this is when we step into our truth.  So many of us have the deep desire to help others.  We want to make a difference in the world and make the world a better place, which is noble and honorable.  However, we can tend to base our value and worth on the success or failure of others.

If a loved one succeeds, we feel accomplished, worthy and deserving and when a loved one fails or doesn’t take our advice, we tend to question our value and worth.  We can tend to feel bad and feel guilt or shame.  Thinking or questioning, is there something we did wrong?  What could we have done differently? . Did we say or do the “right things”?  If only we could have made a different decision……

When we let go of the need to find our worth and value in others, we find our true selves.  When we no longer need to fill our days searching to uncover what has been here all along, we no longer need to prove our value.  We claim our value as a child of God, who is worthy and deserving of all our heart’s desires.

What They Don’t Teach You in School

This month I want to talk about what it REALLY means to believe.  As a young girl I was raised in a Catholic home and my faith was the foundation and bedrock of my family.  I was taught various beliefs, values, and guiding principles about life.  Since faith was the foundation of my family, I never questioned them.  I followed the rules and took on all those values and beliefs as my own.

Over the years, I slowly started to discover that not all the beliefs I was taught felt good to me, but how could I dare begin to question what was solidly true?  I remember many times my faith was challenged.  I could feel this overwhelming feeling of “Is this from God or the Devil?”  I knew what I was taught and yet what I felt in my heart was so different.  Who should I listen to?  Which feeling is from God and which is from the Devil? How do I reconcile what is showing up for me?

Early in my journey after I attended a retreat 8 years ago, I remember I met two beautiful women at a networking event, one was a Psychic Medium and another was a Tantric Healer. I loved their enthusiasm and energy and felt called to connect with them.  They were such beaming bright lights and it felt good to be around them.  After the meeting, a highly successful Christian woman came up to me and warned me NOT to connect with them.  It was very strange.  She demanded that I not entertain conversing with these women for my own protection, because they were not of God and that she prayed for their souls daily.

I was in shock and confused.   I respected this woman, and yet, I also really connected with the two new women I had just met.  At this time in my life, my faith taught me, that reiki, energy workers, psychics etc… were not from God, but from the Devil.  So, I went to the chapel to pray for guidance.  I was confused.  My heart was pulling me in one direction and what I was taught was pulling me in another.  Which voice do I listen to?  Later that evening a friend of mine (another Christian woman) said Jen, I met this amazing woman who I think you need to meet.  It was one of the 2 women I had met earlier that day.  In that moment, I KNEW I needed to follow my heart.  This was God telling me it was safe and welcome to meet with these women.

In that moment, I shifted an old belief about “energy work” and these women.  Not because I found proof written in the bible, or an article online.   I FELT IT in the core of my being.   It was like the fear I had was wiped away.  I prayed and asked for guidance and was given the answer.  God always says, “ask and you shall receive.”

This is just one example early on in my journey of having to face some tough roadblocks of deciding which path to take.  Learning how to listen to the wisdom of my body and discern what is truth and what is a lie.  Over the past 10 years I have discovered many beliefs that have stopped me from stepping into the fullest version or myself.  I was living a lie, walking around numb and unfulfilled and didn’t know it.  I thought I was doing what I was supposed to do.   I thought I was being a good mom, good wife, good friend and living up to others’ expectations,  but what I have learned now is how to open my heart, body and mind to the truth that is inside of me.

I invite you to join me on a journey to discovering the truth about YOU.  The truth about DESIRE.  The truth about LOVE.  The truth about your BODY.  The truth about SEX.  The truth about POWER.  The truth about WEALTH and VALUE. 

The truth is we didn’t learn these things in school.  Our education was focused on reading, writing and arithmetic.  Our parents did the best job they could with the knowledge they had, but if they didn’t know they couldn’t teach us either. I want to help guide you on a journey to becoming the fullest expression of who you are as a woman.  When you learn how to become aware of your beliefs, let go of what is no longer serving you and claim your desires, you step into your feminine power and shine your light into the world.  Stay tuned for more nuggets of wisdom of what I have learned on this journey to unlocking my feminine power and stepping into fullest expression of me.  I hope you are curious, inspired and motivated to learn how you too can shift the beliefs that are no longer serving you and live a life filled with passion, pleasure and purpose.


Two months after my dad died, I started taking ballroom dancing lessons and found a new PASSION that brought so much joy and pleasure to my life.  Not only did I enjoy dancing itself, but there were so many things about dance that translated to everyday life. I used to share with people that dance was like life coaching on steroids.  While I only took one lesson a week and came to Friday night dance parties, it was the one thing that brought me joy  and pleasure that I looked forward to every week.   I felt ALIVE when I was on the dance floor.  For the first time in my life, I was starting to become ME.

Do you remember the last time you found PASSION in something you enjoyed so much that it totally fueled your soul? Something where you felt FULLY ALIVE in the essence of who you are?

That is what DESIRE does for us. Desire is NOT selfish, gluttonous or self-serving.

DESIRE is a gift that God planted in our hearts.
DESIRE is causative.
DESIRE calls us forward.
DESIRE is the fuel that allows growth and transformation to occur.

Life is found in the dance between your DEEPEST DESIRE and your GREATEST FEAR!!

When we begin to understand the POWER of DESIRE, we can use it to call us forward in life.  However, most of the time, we feel GUILTY for THINKING about what we DESIRE, let alone CLAIM what we DESIRE.

Last year around this time, I found myself in a place of feeling frustrated and unhappy.  The previous year I had found this new love of dance and wished I could be in the dance studio more often, but I made some decisions for my family that would give my son an amazing opportunity to go to an elite private school for hockey and as a result, I put MY DESIRES aside.

I had some money put away and did a showcase, but I was not continuing to build my regular dance  program.  I came to a point where I was starting to feel resentful.  Yes, I LOVE my kids, AND at the same time I DESIRED more.

I had friends say things like

Sacrifice this time for your son, you will have other chances in a few years to take more dance lessons.
… This is only a small period of time in your life you can wait.
… Dancing is expensive, are you sure you can’t find a less expensive hobby
… You can find something else that bring your joy and pleasure

I got to a point I was so angry and resentful.  I was taking all my hard-earned money and spending it on him as opposed to spreading the love across all of us, including me.  I did some journaling and wrote down EVERYTHING I was ANGRY ABOUT and then decided to turn it around.

I no longer wanted to be ANGRY or RESENTFUL.  I wanted to feel FREE. I wanted to feel ALIVE.  There is NOTHING wrong with me claiming what I DESIRE.   If I wanted, I could pay for dance AND  for my son’s school.  Why does it have to be one  of the other?

I learned it doesn’t have to be an EITHER/OR model.
I learned claiming my desire calls me AND my kids forward.
I learned how to manage my mindset so that I didn’t have to sacrifice my dreams.
I learned to stop waiting for the perfect time
I learned to stop waiting for the money to arrive.

I said YES to TRUE DESIRE, and God unfolded all the rest.

How many times do you say YES, when you really mean NO?
And How many times do you say NO, when you really mean YES?

Let’s talk about what happens then we say YES to what we really want and follow our desires!!!

(Hockey School) Last year my son was given the opportunity to go to an amazing hockey school. To be honest I has NO IDEA, how I was going to pay for it all, but I felt this strong desire in my core that this was meant to be and knew God would provide. It’s one of those feelings you just can’t describe, but I trusted it.

(Costa Rica) A few weeks later this amazing opportunity to Costa Rica showed up.  My desire was so strong, it was one of those no brainer YES’s.  I am sure you have all had them.  One where you didn’t care how much the cost was, you just KNEW it was meant to be. So, I signed up right away to experience Costa Rica before I would host my own retreat there.  It was a dream come true.  I have always had a dream of hosting a Retreat in Costa Rica with Mud Baths, and Hot Spring Waterfalls.   Women coming together in circle and reclaiming their feminine power.  Knowing they are not alone in how they feel.  Know the journey to freedom is easier and more fun when surrounded by other amazing souls.

(Chakradance) While in Costa Rica, I dreamed about incorporating dance and movement into my retreat and the modality of Chakradance came up.  So I looked up Chakra dance and just my luck the next round of training was happening the following week.  Diving Timing!!!!!   Within one week, I decided to put down the down payment on hosting my very first International Retreat AND sign up for this new training.  I didn’t have the money yet, but my desire was so strong that I said YES.

(Yes To The Dress) A few weeks later I spontaneously went to the dance studio on a day I wasn’t planning and lo and behold the dress people were there.  Now I was not in the market for a dress, but I thought it would be fun to play dress up.  Why not?!  When I tried on the Coral Dress, I just knew I needed to buy it.  I cringed when I saw the price tag, but I focused on how amazing I FELT in this dress.  It was almost like magic.  When I put the dress on it was like something transformed in me.  In my heart and soul, I knew there was something special about this dress. Here I was planning to host a retreat in Costa Rica encouraging women to follow their desire and I just knew I had to lead by example and follow my own desires.  After I said YES to the DRESS, two weeks later I had 2 people sign up for my retreat.

(Wearing the Dress) The week before the dance competition, my dress arrived, and I got to dance in it for the very first time since I tried it on in May.  I felt like a princess.  Not only did I love the dress.  I loved dancing in the dress.  I loved how I felt when I was dancing in the dress. I had been dreaming of dancing in this dress for months and now the time was almost here. The following day when I woke up, I received a download of content to include in my Year Long Becoming A High Value Woman Master Program.  I have had a vision for years, but the DRESS allowed me to finish writing 90% of the remaining modules.  It was amazing.  It was like a light bulb went on and flashes of information came rushing through me.

So what happens when you say YES TO DESIRE?  It FLOWS….  And more exiting and juicy desires arise.  When you stuff your desires inside you are saying NO to yourself, which doesn’t feel good.  But saying YES to what you REALLY want is transformational.

What do you want to say YES to that you have been denying?  What if your life could change for the better if you said YES TO YOU AND YOUR DESIRES!!!!!

When it comes to understanding feminine needs and desires, it is important to know in addition to our everyday needs and desires,  there are basic needs women and men have as humans.  Due to our culture and society today, these are likely desires that women don’t realize they have because no one really talks about them, however, they are deeply engrained in our heart.

Think about the need to be desired, protected or provided for by a man.  

Before you jump out of your chairs and tell me you are a strong independent woman and that you don’t need a man, I invite you to PAUSE.  Be open and willing to see the opportunity and power in the statement.  I am in no means saying that you should not be a strong, independent confident woman, who can provide for herself, however, what I am suggesting is that if you managed your energy and allowed yourself to be open to the energy a masculine man could provide, you could be open to more magic and miracles in your life as a woman.

Women all have a variety of different desires to explore, however, according to the book Wild at Heart, by John and Stasi Eldredge, God created 3 core basic human needs and desires for every woman and desire is an impulse that originates from the soul.  These core desires are planted in a woman’s heart.  They are 1) the desire to be romanced, desired, cherished and treasured, 2) to play an irresistible role in great adventure and 3) to unveil beauty.

The interesting theme in all these desires is that they involve other people. Women are not meant to live by themselves and do everything on their own.  Women are meant to need each other people, including men. (We will go into this more deeply in a later chapter).  In our search for POWER, many women have become strong, confident, independent, powerful women, HOWEVER, they have buried, ignored or invalidated their core desires of being a woman. If you hide or bury them, they are STILL THERE, whether you choose to bring attention to them or not.

THIS… is why women believe SOMETHING IS MISSING.
THIS… is why women long to desired and have intimate connections with their partner.
THIS… is why women want to focus on beauty.

These desires are NOT to be superficial or needy, but rather, they are CORE needs/desires of being a woman.  A woman longs to be romanced; a man longs for a battle to fight, to pursue. When we let our man know that we need him to pursue us. We long from him to swoop in and save the day, he will, because that is HIS heart’s desire.

Too many women are busy trying to be their own masculine and competing with other women, that they don’t understand how magnificent it is to have a male human being in their life to protect and provide for them.  It’s amazing what the masculine provides to the feminine who longs and desired to be wild, free, creative, luscious, soft, opened, surrendered and erotic.  The masculine provides so deeply to that part of you which so desperately longs and desires to be seen and fully expressed.  When a woman opens to worship the feminine and honors the masculine, magic begins to unfold in her life.

“A woman in the presence of a good man, a real man, loves being a woman. His strength allows her feminine heart to flourish. His pursuit draws out her beauty. And a man in the presence of a real woman loves being a man. Her beauty arouses him to play the man; it draws out his strength. She inspires him to be a hero.” –John & Stasi Eldredge, Captivating

I have been taking ballroom dance lessons for a couple of years and have always like rhythm dancing, (like cha-cha, salsa, rumba…)  but was hesitant to venture into smooth dancing (waltz foxtrot, tango…).  I labeled it as BORING!

In June, I was called to buy a new dance dress and open to the world of smooth dancing.  I had my first lesson last week and allowed myself to be open to learning new things.  At the same time, my instructor showed me a new tip on how to improve my rhythm dancing, which was very exciting.  Every Friday night the studio usually has a dance party, where you get to practice dancing. I was so excited to practice and show off my “new moves”.  The instructors are wonderful and are always teaching us new things, but today I had the intention of impressing the owner of the studio with the new technique I learned.  I wasn’t an expert yet, however, I was proud of myself and was excited to practice the new technique and get feedback on how I was progressing.

When the time came for the owner to ask me to dance, he chose THE FOXTROT!!!!  My heart sunk.  I was disappointed.  This is the one dance I have NO CLUE how to do.  Yes, they taught me a few steps 2 years ago, but I wasn’t too fond of the dance, so didn’t remember the steps.   In the moment, I thought to myself, REALLY? This is NOT what I want? I am paying all this money for dance lessons and I wanted to get the opportunity to practice my new rhythm moves and now I have lost this opportunity.  To top it off, I am dancing with the owner of the studio (who is very experienced) he doesn’t need to waste his time teaching me basic steps of the foxtrot.   I want to learn more advanced moves from him, since I rarely get the opportunity to dance with him.

Do you ever do this to yourself?  Get into your head and allow thoughts to race when things do NOT go as planned.  This is NOT what I wanted, and I was resistant.   I was kind of pouty like a little girl not getting her way.

I entered the dance feeling somewhat embarrassed, disappointed, frustrated and humiliated.  I have been dancing for a couple years and SHOULD KNOW the basic steps. The truth is, I didn’t. Not only do I not know the steps, I don’t like the dance, it’s foreign to me. In my last lesson we started waltz and tango, but NOT the foxtrot.  REALLY!!  Did he have to pick this one?  I don’t really like waltz, but I at least knew the basic steps and would have felt a bit better doing that dance.   So now I am starting to get angry at myself and the situation and the lost opportunity of

Let’s break out the flashes of emotions that happened in a split second…
Disappointment – He chose foxtrot as the dance
Frustrated – I didn’t get to impress him with my new rhythm moves
Embarrassed – I don’t know the steps and I have been here for 2 years
Humiliated – feeling like I am wasting his time
Mad – I am wasting my opportunity learning “basic” stuff and not more advanced moves

OMG – How often do we let our head get in the way!!!!  Overthinking, over-analyzing, making meaning of stuff that just is.  I had so many expectations for dancing with him that evening and when things did not go the way I envisioned them.  I was not happy.

He met me where I was at without judgment.  I was the one judging myself, feeling I should be better and know more in the moment. I followed his lead and danced.  I was completely clueless and had no idea what the next move would be.  I was uncomfortable, nervous and intimidated and yet surrendered myself in the moment and let him lead.

He moved me around the dance floor with such grace and ease.  He gave me a tip that I didn’t need to push so much and to lean back, so I did.  It was a simple beautiful dance. He complemented me for being open to learning a new dance. He honored where I was, I trusted him, and what started out as frustrating, quickly turned around, when I was able to “get out of my own head” and just be in the present moment.

Radiance energy leaks happen when a person is not in full alignment with the fullest expression of who they are.   There are MANY ways that energy leaks occur and if they are not managed, an individual will continue to give their power away without realizing it.  It’s like running an old pattern over and over again.  Individuals must learn how to identify what is getting in the way of the fulfillment of their desires.

The challenge is, that most people have multiple energy leaks and it can be overwhelming to identify where to begin.  I would like to encourage you to follow this four-step process in learning how to manage radiance energy leaks.

STEP 1 Become Aware of Your Radiance Leaks
STEP 2 Identify the ones that resonate the most with you
STEP 3 Review what it is costing you and what the payoff is
STEP 4 Decide which of the 5 items is the MOST IMPORTANT for you to address

A key step in the process is not just identifying what it is costing you, but to also define the payoff being received for allowing the leak to keep happening.  I remember watching Dr. Phil years ago and every time he would counsel a guest, he would tell them that the reason they were not changing their behavior was because there was a PAYOFF they were getting.   You must acknowledge that piece otherwise, the pattern will never be changed.

The truth of the matter is that all humans have energy leaks.  If they go unmanaged, life can feel overwhelming, stressful and chaotic.  When you have tools available to manage your energy, you can learn how to stop energy leaks and more fully step into your own power.

Here is a small sampling of different types of Radiance Energy Leaks


  • Tolerating behaviors that drain you
  • Tolerating behaviors that trigger you
  • Blaming others
  • Criticizing others
  • Listening to others complaining
  • Letting others walk all over you
  • Say yes to others when you don’t have time
  • Ignoring stuff that triggers you
  • Allowing unacceptable behavior
  • Teaching people how to treat you
  • Conflicts with loved ones


  • Criticizing yourself
  • Striving for perfection
  • Blaming yourself
  • Not getting your needs met
  • Not asking for what you want or need
  • Over-giving
  • Not knowing how to receive complements
  • Being too masculine
  • Being too controlling
  • Gossiping or complaining
  • Whining or colluding
  • Not having any boundaries
  • Feeling competition
  • Not doing what you are passionate about
  • Being TOO independent
  • People Pleasing
  • Trying to be a Good Girl


  • Closing off your heart
  • Stuffing your emotions
  • Being too needy
  • Not healing your past
  • Emasculating men
  • Not connecting with women in your life
  • Not knowing & using the love languages
  • Hiding your true thoughts and feelings
  • Not speaking your truth
  • Beliefs that you are not enough
  • Beliefs that you are not deserving or worthy of love and abundance
  • Feeling unsafe and unprotected


  • Not having a plan
  • Plan too much & no time for spontaneity
  • Overcommitting or overscheduling
  • Working too late
  • Not delegating
  • Doing everything yourself
  • Watching too much TV
  • Scrolling too much on Social Media
  • Procrastinating
  • Wasting time
  • Reacting instead of planning
  • Not giving yourself enough “Me- Time”
  • Saying yes when you mean no
  • Not making quick decisions


  • Not getting enough sleep
  • Not getting enough to eat
  • Not taking vitamins or supplements
  • Using chemicals in your household
  • Gaining weight
  • Overindulging in food
  • Getting sick
  • Not cooking enough at home
  • Not taking time for meal prep
  • Drinking too much (sugar or alcohol)
  • Not getting enough exercise


  • Not having enough sex
  • Not having enough physical touch
  • Not loving your body enough
  • Lack of self-pleasure practices
  • Not enough snuggling or gentle touch
  • Not having a morning routine
  • Not hugging
  • Being afraid to touch your body
  • Not enough orgasmic play
  • Not enjoying sexual intimacy
  • Only pleasing the man
  • Not moving your body enough


  • Spending too much
  • Not investing in yourself
  • Not having a budget
  • Not seeing where your money leaks are
  • Running up credit card debt
  • Overindulgence
  • Lack mentality

Radiance Energy LeaksWe have been talking about desire and how most people unfortunately sabotage themselves without realizing it.   We have these amazing soul-filling desires that light us up, but so many times, it can feel as if it is taking so long to see our dreams come to fruition.

The truth is our desires come from the depths of our soul.  When we dance with our desires, we feel alive and shine our light into the world.  Our radiance and light are our greatest gift.  When we are in resonance with love, our love tank is full and we are fueled up with so much love, that our energy is bright, shiny and contagious.  You don’t have to search for clients, happiness or love, because you are a beacon of love and magnetize that love and light back to you.

However, in the hustle of everyday life, we tend to dull our own magic and light.  This is what gets us into trouble.  When we look to others to fuel ourselves up or we continue to deplete our energy, we find ourselves completely drained and burned out.  Most of us LOVE helping others and feel a sense of inner joy and peace when we can to help someone else.  I am not denying that or telling you NOT to do that. However, I want you to become aware of other places you might be leaking energy where you are not able to fully give in the way you desire because you keep leaking energy out and have not refueled it.

A “radiance energy leak” is anything that costs you more energy than it gives you back.  ( i.e. TIME, MONEY, PHYSICAL HEALTH, EMOTIONAL HEALTH, SELF, PLEASURE and BEHAVIORS OF OTHERS) . It is something that depletes you of your energy.  These leaks can rob you of the joy, happiness and pleasure you desire and deserve to have in your life.

If you resonate with any of these Radiance Energy Leaks then you are not experiencing the fullest resonance of LOVE that you possible could.  These energy leaks get in the way of you experiencing the LOVE you desire in your relationships and they also get in the way of you fully stepping into the fullest expression of you and your business.  I encourage you to identify which areas seem to stand out for you.  Don’t worry or freak out that you have more than you thought. This is an awareness tool.  While you might be making time for “self-care practices”, I want you to become aware of additional places where you might be leaking energy and didn’t know it.   Once you become aware of these areas, you can learn different tools and techniques that will help you to reset or boost your energy levels and plug up those leaks.